What did money cost in the USSR (7 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
9 November 2009

What could you spend 1 ruble on in the Soviet Union:
- a full lunch in the canteen (more precisely, in the technical school);
- trip of 100 km. hitchhiking (kopeck - kilometer);
- 33 glasses of lemonade with syrup; 50 calls from a pay phone;
- 100 boxes of matches; 5 cups of “Ice cream” or 10 cups of milk ice cream;
- 20 trips by trolleybus or metro;

- 4 loaves of white bread (900-1000 g each, not the same as now);
- 5 liters of bottled milk; 20 trips to the cinema for an afternoon session;
- 2 bottles of good beer (also zdacha); 8 packs of crappy cigarettes (Pamir);
- in the summer you could buy 6 kg of watermelons or 3 kg of melons at the market;
- 5 trips to a men's hairdresser or bathhouse;
- the cost of a daily bed for a “savage” during the holiday season in the South.

What could you spend 3 rubles on in the Soviet Union:
— lunch for 5-6 persons in a factory or school canteen;
- lunch in a restaurant for one;
- good book;
- a doll or other domestically produced toy;
- a bottle of normal wine (like Crimean);
- weekend cultural trip with the whole family, including a snack;
- a pack of imported cigarettes (I definitely remember the real Marlboro from the black marketeers);
- an amount in a child’s pocket that made other children terribly jealous.

What could you spend 5 rubles on in the Soviet Union:
- a kilogram of tenderloin at the market or 2 kilograms of meat in a store;
- a bottle of vodka (with a snack);
- almost a month's rent for a family;
- a taxi ride in style;
- a kilogram of very good sweets.

What could you spend 10 rubles on in the Soviet Union:
- the amount that was borrowed before payday, which is also the amount that the borrower is not ashamed to remind about;
- universal currency for various household services;
- a huge stick of expensive cooperative sausage;
- an expensive technical or table toy, such as a car or billiards;

What could you spend 25 rubles on in the Soviet Union:
— plane ticket for local airlines;
Leningrad - Moscow: 18 rubles
Leningrad — Novgorod: 7 rubles
Leningrad - Pskov: 11 rubles

two train tickets within the region:
Leningrad — Moscow:
Coupe 12 rub.
Reserved seat 10 rub.
Sedentary 8 rub.
Leningrad - Tallinn 5 rubles
Leningrad — Riga 8 rub.
Student card: divided in half, and linen: 1 rub.
- full-blown revelry in a restaurant;
- services of an expensive prostitute;

What could you spend 50 rubles on in the Soviet Union:
- teenage bike;
- small pension;
- scholarship for a good student (regular - 37 rubles);
- voucher (trade union) to Terskol (Elbrus region) for 2 weeks - 30 rubles 60 kopecks, with a full cost of 102 rubles,
- what’s up, a student could already live for a month, but without any frills.

What could you spend 100 rubles on in the Soviet Union:
— plane ticket to the South (round trip);
- the monthly salary of a poor university graduate engineer (more precisely, a salary of 120 rubles);
- good pension.

1 comment
10 November 2009
2 012 comments
Это, конечно, прикольно. Но зарплата в 220 рублей - предел. "на 25 рублей: Студенческий билет: делим пополам, а белье: 1 руб
- кутеж «по полной программе» в ресторане;
- услуги дорогой путаны;" pighero_020
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