Brovissimo, lady: 16 extravagant girls with “talking” eyebrows (17 photos)

26 December 2023

Eyebrows are one of those parts of the face whose shape can radically change your appearance. And if your eyebrow artist or you yourself do not have a sufficient level of skill, then there is a high probability of seeing the Grinch or something constantly surprised in the mirror.

How to focus on one thing?

Some ladies don't know how to stop. And this concerns not only eyebrows. On the other hand, if all this makes this girl happy, then what difference does it make to all of us?

A real Amazon

Demonic eyebrows

These eyebrows can be used to make a bird

They look very soft

Because nothing should distract from the beauty of the eyes

Shy eyebrows

Looking at this radiant, pretty girl, it is difficult to understand how she decided on such an original eyebrow shape. It seems that the classic version would only decorate it.

Unique geometry

Zendaya on minimal

She's fine


Looking at this photo, it’s hard not to imagine the charming Enid from the series “Wednesday”. Wolves, awww-aww! ????

If you want to look a little surprised

Swamp Evil Cosplay

Shape, color, sparkles - everything is beautiful in this fluffy composition! ????

A stern woman has stern eyebrows

Invisible eyebrows

Eyebrows that can kill

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