Soldiers of the National Police brigade Lyut captured the occupier during the clearing of the forest belt

20 December 2023
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Soldiers of the assault regiment "Tsunami" of the National Police brigade "Lyut" captured the occupier during the clearing of the forest belt.

"Death or captivity!" Severe frost, remains of the bodies of the invaders around, constant shell explosions overhead. This is the routine of the fighters of the Assault Regiment “Tsunami” of the National Police brigade “Lyut”. Our titans are storming the p#dar positions in the hottest sectors of the front. The enemy throws his “meat” at our warriors in the hope that he can stop the offensive, but he only receives mountains of corpses of his “asvabats.” The smartest of the orcs, having no desire to rot in our land, surrender! Despite everything, our fighters continue to move on,” the fighters note in a commentary on the post.
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