15 unusual breeds of poultry, whose appearance goes beyond the ordinary (16 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
17 December 2023

It turns out that in the world of poultry there are many unusual breeds that attract attention with their unique appearance and habits. So it’s not just wild birds that can surprise you with their virtues. In some places they can even compete with each other (and naturally not win, because each creature is incredible in its own way).

On modern farms, you can increasingly see birds that look more like strange creatures than the usual chickens, ducks or geese. They amaze with their variegated plumage, dwarf or giant size and strange genetic mutations, which were achieved during many years of selection. Let's see what kind of winged friends people are breeding today on their farm or at home.


A tailless breed of chicken known for laying greenish-blue eggs.

Malaysian Serama

This breed of chicken is one of the smallest in the world. She was bred in Malaysia. Serama was created by crossing wild Malaysian chickens with Japanese dwarf breeds.

Ayam Cemani

The Ayam Chemani chicken breed originates from Indonesia and is known for being completely black both outside and inside. The unusual color is due to a genetic feature that causes an abnormal increase in the number of melatocins responsible for pigmentation.

Nile goose

In ancient times, the Nile goose was considered a sacred animal by the Egyptians. Many people mistake it for a duck.

Gaditano's Pout and English Dwarf Pout

These birds amaze with their appearance. Some people are seriously frightened by pigeons, while others are incredibly delighted. The main distinguishing feature of puffers is the ability to inflate their crop to incredible sizes.

Antwerp pigeon

The rare show breed was developed in the eighteenth century.

English Dwarf Fighting Hen

Despite its modest size (only 2-3 kilograms), the fighting chicken can easily fend for itself, using its well-developed and long legs.

curly pigeon

Indian runner

curly goose

English quarry

The proboscis pigeon was selectively bred in England in the 14th century.

Curly hen shershetka


An unusual breed of pigeon, capable of boasting amazing feathered head decoration.

California Quail

Most often, this breed is bred for decorative purposes.

Chicken la flèche

Sometimes representatives of this breed are called messengers of Lucifer. And all because of the crest in the form of devil's horns. Presumably, the birds were bred in France in the 15th century.

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