The gypsies may disappear. Is it so? (16 photos)

14 December 2023

The attitude towards the Gypsies throughout their centuries-old history has always been very ambiguous. Those around us frankly did not understand how to treat a freedom-loving, free people who ignored all existing norms and rules and did not want to lead a sedentary lifestyle.

But this went against people’s understanding of what a full life should be like! And while other peoples were exploring new territories, building cities and forming states, the gypsies continued to travel around the world in search of the next stop... and, as always, temporary.

Gypsy van in Germany, 1935

In addition, many mistakenly called the Roma “a nation without history,” believing that a nomadic people a priori could have neither a homeland nor roots.

Gypsy camp in Essex (19th century)

This is a controversial statement, if only because today the prevailing theory is that the gypsies are long-standing descendants of the Indians, belonging to the “untouchable” caste, who at one time earned their living by staging street performances with dances and magic tricks.

"Untouchables" in India

And in general, the idea that the Gypsies could have come from India is not so incredible, given the fact that India has always been connected with European and Islamic civilization through trade relations. The Indian people traveled a lot and managed to visit the Middle East, Babylon, and beyond during the time of the ancient Persian Empire. And there it’s just a stone’s throw to Europe...

"Untouchables" in India

Moreover, the appearance, language and customs of the Gypsy people were similar to the traditions of the inhabitants of North India, which further confirmed this theory. However, the most convincing evidence, in my opinion, is the presence of the gypsy people’s own traditions, which, as they claim, although rooted in India, for the most part have a very definite gypsy flavor, different from other peoples. And, of course, you can’t argue with this...

European gypsies

But we digress. Today, by the way, the attitude towards Gypsies living in big cities has changed slightly. Among modern citizens there are both supporters and opponents of gypsy culture. For some, gypsies are powerful irritants, unemployed lazy people who only know how to steal, drink and give birth to children.


For others, the gypsies are, first of all, carriers of a unique and one-of-a-kind culture. It’s not for nothing that gypsy musical groups and solo performers draw full houses! There is something in their songs and dances... Something that makes your heart beat faster and your legs dance! And the gypsy passions from books and films literally give me goosebumps...

Gypsy songs

However, it is not the attitude of the average person that threatens the Gypsies with extinction. It’s all to blame for modern reality, which forces the nomadic people, willy-nilly, to submit to its rules. By the way, until a certain point, the gypsies remained almost the only people who managed to preserve their traditions and customs in their original form - the way their ancestors bequeathed to them. And the nomadic lifestyle is proof of this.

Gypsy camp

In addition, in Roma communities a certain hierarchy has always been observed, and in families there has always been a clear division of rights and responsibilities. The man is always in charge, the woman is behind him. She was responsible for the home and, in fact, did not have the right to vote in resolving even family issues. Her role is to give birth and raise children, take care of the house and serve her husband and his relatives.

Gypsy family

However, in moderna lot has changed in the world, and the gypsies themselves admit it. Civilization takes its toll, and the Roma people become more modern. So, for example, the rights between a man and a woman are established 70% to 30%, that is, gypsies have more rights, not responsibilities. Young gypsies increasingly prefer trousers and jeans when it comes to clothing, and in general try to dress fashionably. They are allowed to do this only before marriage, and after marriage they must wear a scarf, a long skirt and have a hairstyle appropriate for a married woman.

The age of marriage among modern Gypsies has also changed. Now gypsy girls can safely “walk” until they are 17-18 years old, although in former times this was difficult to even imagine. Moreover, modern gypsies are increasingly choosing their life partners not from among “their own”, that is, they act at the behest of their hearts and common sense, and not in accordance with long-standing traditions.

And a similar attitude among modern young Roma is observed in almost all spheres of life. They are increasingly making choices in favor of education and careers, do not strive to get married and have children too early, and, although they honor traditions, they do so more formally - because it is necessary. The main custodians of Gypsy culture and life are the older generation, who failed to “bend under the changing world” and continue to live by the familiar Gypsy values inherited from their ancestors.

Experts argue that the emergence of such interest and the orientation of young Roma to the realities of the modern world is a natural process. It is normal for a person, regardless of his nationality and upbringing, to strive for development and acquisition of new knowledge. And this does not mean at all that it is necessary to forget one’s roots, history and traditions of one’s people. You can also combine...

Modern gypsies

But the Roma themselves, and mostly, of course, the older generation, are more skeptical. Many community leaders are completely convinced that at this rate the Roma could, in principle, disappear as a nation, since today mixed marriages and departure from traditional Roma values are very popular among young people.

It is difficult to say to what extent these fears are justified. In the end, anything can happen.... However, personally, it seems to me that the Roma people hardly need to fear extinction. Probably, their morals and way of life will still undergo certain changes dictated by modern life... they are already undergoing... However, the gypsies will still remain gypsies, with all the ensuing consequences...

Gypsy girl

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