The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, called Russia one of the five truly free countries

11 December 2023
Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill (Vladimir Gundyaev) said that Russians should thank God for living in a “free country.” He said this during the divine liturgy in the Church of the Sign of the Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow. According to the rector of the Russian Orthodox Church, Russians live in “prosperous times” and should thank God for every day they live.

In addition, Kirill traditionally called for prayer “for the homeland, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - an Orthodox man, for the soldiers and for those working inside the Russian Federation.”

“This well-being should not separate us from God, but on the contrary, we should thank the Lord for every day we live. Thank the Lord for the fact that we live in a truly free country. I counted five such countries in total. Maybe a little more. All the rest are not truly free. We live in a truly free country and we must thank the Lord for all this,” Kirill convinces.
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