Japanese people wear masks on dates (6 photos)

4 December 2023

Sometimes it is simply impossible to overcome embarrassment, especially for reserved Japanese otaku (anime lovers). But they also want to find a mate, so in Japan they organize dating events especially for them for the shy - in Pikachu masks!

Are you less shy?

Would you be less embarrassed if you had to come to speed dates not with your face, but in a Doraemon or Pokemon mask? I doubt it, but it’s easier for the Japanese.

I hope the choice of mask was random and he didn’t choose it on purpose

Because no one took off their mask during the event, although this was not prohibited. Or maybe it’s the Japanese sense of shoulder and not the desire to stand out, now from a group of people wearing masks.

“I would never be able to speak to the opposite sex without this mask,” admitted the girl in the hare mask.

Advice from a psychologist?

All this happened in an anime-themed cafe, where else?

So there is an opinion that psychologists advised the Japanese to organize such speed dating. Low birth rates and the prohibitive number of people choosing to live alone are growing every year.

The Japanese authorities are taking weak steps in demographic policy, and the situation is getting worse every year. While marketers only provoke it - they create cafes with tables for one, birthday cakes for one, weekend tours for one person.

That same girl, she seems pretty under the mask

While the authorities are trying to raise the demographics, commerce has done everything so that even traditionally paired things in Japan can be done alone. The quintessence of this is a DATE FOR ONE.

The client is given a walking itinerary and booked a table with a beautiful view at the end of the path so that he can spend his day off this way instead of establishing social connections.

A cafe with seating strictly for one person, so God forbid you don’t start talking to someone

Breaking out of the comfort of loneliness, as the Japanese admit, is almost impossible.

Being incognito isn't cheap

This kind of dating costs even more than usual (maybe because the mask is included in the price). Guys have to pay 4 thousand yen, and girls have to pay four times less - only 1,000 yen.

I bet he didn't find a mate, but he had a LOT of fun

Oddly enough, half of the participants found a partner. They probably think that there won’t be a second chance like this. Or they won’t dare to come here a second time, so they have to “take what they give.”

On the other hand, this shows that the Japanese do not want to be lonely. Even if the culture of “live alone” pushes them towards this with all its might.

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