What do Turks grow in carpet fields? (7 photos)

13 November 2023

Endless carpet steppes stretch in Antalya. We must preserve this unique natural biome! Jokes aside, why lay out square kilometers of woven carpets on the sand?

I just want to lie on these hills

The most authentic Turkish carpets made of natural wool cover hectares of sandy valleys in one of the provinces. They were posted here not for the sake of an art happening, but purely for utilitarian purposes.

Photos like this are tempting to be used as a desktop theme on your computer.

This is the working hours of large carpet workshops, which collect carpets from residents of almost the entire province for repair.

After all, a real woolen carpet is not a cheap thing, which is why every family gives a worn-out carpet for repair, rather than throwing it away.

This carpet has already matured; an experienced craftsman can easily determine

Why lay carpets on the ground?

“From parasites and dampness, so that the sun burns them out,” you say. But this is only a secondary benefit, because not all carpets are infected with parasites. And they post everyone.

Both new and old after renovation. Based on photographs from quadcopters, it was calculated that up to 25 thousand rugs can be dried there at the same time.

Who recognized your carpet, my grandmother had a similar small one, which is in the foreground

The main reason is to visually age the carpets, to make the colors of the carpets smoother and muted. As it turned out, tourists buy such carpets more willingly. Because it seems to them that muted colors are natural, but rich, bright colors are definitely synthetic.

In addition, morning dew softens the pile and evens it out. It’s also a good idea to smooth out areas where the carpet has been darned or woven.

How long do carpets lie like that?

Apparently they are not afraid of rain here. They know for sure that there will be no rain during these months

2-3 months until the harvest is ripe, so to speak. In fact, experts regularly patrol such carpet fields to check the quality of the pile, as well as the desired shade of fading.

Carpets are removed from the fields as soon as they are ready.

I bet there is a watchman with a Berdanka guarding the lands there at night. If our neighbors dig up each other’s potatoes in the fall, then how can we resist the expensive “ownerless” carpet.

Imagine how far it is to walk to the edge of the carpet field. They should be given scooters!

By the way, tourists are allowed to see. Moreover, later you can go to the store and buy the already “ripe” carpets that have been stored.

It's beautiful and unusual. I love such unique places and traditions that are incomparable to anything else. I also remember the rice fields in Japan, where they paint colorful pictures of different varieties of rice.

Rice fields in Japan, remember those works...agrarian? But art!

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