In Thailand, a leech attached itself to a tourist's eye (2 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 18
10 November 2023
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The guy and his friends went on a hike through the jungle. The young man left the camera on the ground for a while and the leech took advantage of this. She crawled onto the camera, and then moved to the tourist’s eye. It was not immediately possible to unhook it from the eye.

While hiking in the wilderness, a guy put his camera on the ground to get a good angle. At that moment, a small leech climbed onto the equipment from the grass. When the tourist put the camera to his face, the leech moved into the eye.

The parasite stuck to the mucous membrane next to the lacrimal gland. The guy screamed in pain, but he managed to pull out the leech only after half an hour, when it had drunk blood. The eye became very red due to attempts to remove the parasite. Fortunately, the tourist is doing better now.

Looks like another phobia to add to the pile.

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