Envious cats (21 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
6 November 2023

Envy is a destructive feeling because it forces you to think about the same thing, depriving you of prospects and opportunities. But at the same time, it is also stimulating, because thanks to the desire to get what others have, you can reach a different level of achievement.

In the case of cats, envy cannot be hidden. But the good news is that the usual kind words, stroking or treats help to cope with it.

1. You are clearly hiding from others that I am the best cat in the world.

2. Why did this curly misunderstanding become clearer?

3. Is it tasty? And is there really nothing left?

4. What did she find in this slobbering creature?

5. So beautiful and so unironed...

6. What about me?

7. The darlings sniffed

8. Life is pain

9. After this, trust people

10. How unfair the world is...

11. So he has a blanket, but what about me?

12. I’m not sitting here like furniture

13. Just because he’s small doesn’t mean anything.

14. Are you sure you won’t have cats anymore?

15. Why does the stupid feathered creature have shinier plumage than my fur?

16. Don’t take pictures, it will only ruin the photo

17. No time to explain

18. I’ll show you Kotka’s mother

19. I’ll explain to the furball who’s favorite in the house.

20. I forgive, but this should be the first and last time

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