Talent visa: Russian porn actress Eva Elfi was approved for a green card for special merits

31 October 2023

The adult film actress decided to become an American and, it seems, succeeded. In an interview, she boasted that her cherished US citizenship is getting closer.

There are different ways to get a green card in the USA. Porn actress Eva Elfi took advantage of the immigration program for the talented and gifted. A girl who makes money by filming adult films unexpectedly received a “talent visa”, i.e. she was approved for a green card - Elfie announced this in a conversation with Irina Shikhman* as part of the Internet show “Should we talk?”

Now Elfi is busy with paperwork. She says that she is glad that her profession in the United States is considered as normal as everyone else, and the awards that Eva has are confirmation of her talent as an actress.

Yulia Romanova (real name Elfi) comes from Omsk. The girl grew up in a single-parent family and began earning money early. First as a waitress, after moving to Moscow I came across an invitation from a Czech studio and was intrigued by the high fee. Upon returning from the Czech Republic to Moscow, Romanova began acting in 18+ videos, and over time became a fairly famous actress in adult films. I had to forget about a career in journalism.

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