Unusual finds that people accidentally discovered on the street (14 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
30 October 2023

Many people think that picking up something on the street... is somehow not comme il faut. Yes, it's possible. However, especially keen-eyed people can see real treasures in a pile of garbage that should not have been thrown away in the first place. They could at least be sold and a buyer would definitely be found. Although there are some very strange things in the selection. But it’s even better for these guys, because they got it for free.

Found a rarity

The girl brought a painting from the trash heap and decided to continue it a little

Prehistoric mouse


How could you throw away this cute bowling ball?

Found a case for a lollipop from the 90s

Copper head!

There was a pallet, but it became a fashionable table

Flayers! They threw away this cute shark. By the way, the guy’s height is 185 cm. So the size of the toy is impressive

They came for you

I dug up a Primus PT-1 from a pile of scrap metal. It is intact and working, the casing that protects the tank from overheating is missing.

Now we have a swimming pool

Now everyone at home knows where the exit is. I powered it up and use it as a night light.

Edible find

Cabbage soup with meat and porridge from the warehouse of the famous polar explorer Eduard Toll, which lay in permafrost for more than a hundred years. 48 cans of canned cabbage soup dating back to 1900, that's what I call valuable loot!

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