russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 26-27

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
28 October 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- President of Ukraine Zelensky:

The Russian fleet is no longer able to operate in the western part of the Black Sea and is gradually leaving Crimea.

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces want to turn winter into a weapon, - NYT.

▪️Our forces plan to attack in winter team attacks in winter. centers, ammunition depots and supply lines behind enemy lines. ATACMS missiles make it possible to hit Russian positions throughout the entire TOT.

▪️If Russian troops are drawn into the defense on a wide front, and their logistics are severely disrupted, the occupiers will literally get wet and freeze.

▪️At the same time, the Russians may try to change supply routes or use artillery and aviation to counter shelling from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

- The Russian Federation is considering dropping a space rocket with explosives on Kyiv, - Bild.

The publication claims that they have recordings of conversations between the former head of Roscosmos Rogozin and the general director of the Progress rocket and space center Baranov. Since the beginning of January 2023, they have been discussing the technical details of organizing such a strike.

According to Bild, the plan was communicated to Putin on January 16. How he reacted to it is unknown.

- Nobody obliges Hungary to be a member of the EU, - Borrell.

“To be honest, I don’t see any similarity between the Soviet occupation of Budapest and what is happening in Berlamon (the headquarters of the European Commission). I didn't see a single tank there. Nobody obliges Hungary to be a member of the EU,” Borrell said.

- Ukrainian Humvee turned into an improvised MLRS

- The Hungarian parliament rejected a proposal to hold a vote on Sweden's application to join NATO, further delaying the Scandinavian country's inclusion in the military alliance.

- The new Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico confirmed that he will not support military assistance to Ukraine.

He also added that at this stage of the war, Russia has “greater territorial achievements than Ukraine.”

- The Russian Federation lost more than 5 thousand occupiers, as well as up to 400 units of armored vehicles from the start of the offensive to the offensive on Avdievka, - Ukrainian Armed Forces.

And this is only from October 10th 🔥

- A Hamas delegation led by a member of the movement’s Politburo came on a visit to Moscow, - RosSMI.

Who would doubt that terrorists will meet with terrorists🤬

UPD: The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed the information.

- Ukrainian Krab howitzer delivered to Poland with full anti-drone cage cover.

- Prime Minister of Hungary Orban:

Today everyone knows, but does not dare say out loud, that this strategy has failed. It’s obvious that this won’t work....the Ukrainians on the front line won’t win

- Silhouettes of MiG-31 fighters were drawn at the Russian Belbek airfield.

Even in photographs that are not of the highest resolution, the differences between the flat drawing and the real fighter located next to it are clearly visible.

- We change information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine to $: The SBU reminds that the exchange rate is from 15 years to life.

The SBU responded to massive spam mailings from Russians that Ukrainians received today in some regions. Let us remind you that transferring information about the Defense Forces to the enemy is classified as high treason.

- Large losses of equipment near Avdievka will undermine Russia’s offensive potential, - ISW.

▪️Recent losses of Russian equipment near Avdievka appear to be much greater,than the previous ones near Ugledar;

▪️Ukrainian troops advanced on the left bank of the Kherson region and continued offensive operations near Bakhmut and in the west of the Zaporozhye region.

- Infographics: where is it easiest for Ukrainian refugees to find work in Europe.

- “Oleg was unconscious, with great blood loss”: Tsarev’s channel confirmed that he was shot.

How lucky it was to coincide with International Champagne Day 🍾😄

- IRIS-T air defense systems, cluster munitions for HIMARS and more.

Germany provided us with new assistance. Perhaps this is part of the €1.4 billion “winter” package promised by Scholz.

- New Russian diplomacy

- In Berdyansk, a local resistance movement blew up a car where 4 FSB officers were sitting. Among those liquidated is a war criminal who tortured Ukrainians - GUR

- Guess the country from the photo

I was so surprised that the Chinese wrote about Ivan in their press.

- There they again released information about Putin’s death on your Internet

Photos from the wake

- They bury it so often that they don’t even see the catch

- I hope he will go to Kobzon soon

- Kiva, when he learned that the Tsarev had been shot

- In the Russian Federation they proposed to equate bloggers who talk about emigration with extremists

Propaganda for emigration, as well as the maintenance of emigrant channels and public pages, threatens the national security of Russia, “political scientist” Alexey Yaroshenko is sure. He proposed blocking such resources, and prosecuting their authors under Article 208.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - public calls for activities directed against the security of the state. Up to four years in prison, by the way!

“Basically, they are engaged in extremist activities, telling people how to leave, where to run and what to do. And stimulating this,” Yaroshenko said.

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