15 hungry people for whom the chef was too creative (17 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 16
27 October 2023

When we go to a restaurant, the first thing we expect is delicious food and friendly service. But many restaurateurs go even further and use their creativity to the fullest. Clients fall into a stupor from such a turn, and what’s even worse, they may completely lose their appetite. Look what the chefs came up with!

1. The cheese from the bagel drips straight onto the plate. Eating it is extremely inconvenient

2. Ice cream in a real shell

3. My hamburger was cooked on a brick.

4. How to get to the sauce?

5. I want a whole plate

6. A refreshing glass of fries

7. And eggs Benedict

8. My soup was served in a flower pot

9. My steak was served on the bone, which was salted. If the meat falls into the salt, it will be impossible to eat.

10. I had to eat the cheesecake with my hands and, of course, it broke right in the middle.

11. Apparently I have to make my own sandwich

12. Especially for people who want to feel like herbivores

13. They brought me noodles in an ice container.

14. Why does your dog look at me like that?

15. Bacon-wrapped cookies. Are you seriously?

16. And after everything they will bring you such a bill

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