McMansions: 25 tasteless large houses in the US suburbs (26 photos)

20 October 2023

The McMansionHell subreddit is a place where people share photos of the pseudo-luxury mansions that became popular in the 1980s and have become a symbol of ostentation and lack of taste. In America, such a house is called a “McMansion” because it makes one think of fast food: massive, cheap, low quality.

When you see a poppy-mansion, as a rule, you begin to wonder how such architectural wonders came to be. The origins of this phenomenon go back to California in the 1980s, a time of free flow of capital. New, more spacious houses were supposed to become original mansions for members of the upper middle class who wanted to demonstrate their financial status.

1. “I probably have never seen an uglier house.”

In reality, many buyers took out high-interest mortgages to purchase these homes, racking up huge debts and accelerating the housing bubble that burst in 2008. Many people ended up losing their homes or having their property values drop dramatically.

2. “Is he expecting a baby?”

However, the popularity of McMansions has meant that the definition of a home for the middle class has changed dramatically. Suddenly the shared bathroom seemed awkward, and the 110 sq. meters began to feel claustrophobic. So, although the bubble of poppy-mansions burst after the crisis, in general they have not gone away. There are still a lot of them in suburban areas.

3. “Has 10 bedrooms and costs $1 million, but looks like a mobile home.”

Here are some characteristic features of poppy mansions:

Abnormally large house and disproportionately small yard

Abundance of random exterior elements

Incorrectly or asymmetrically located windows, doors, columns, etc.

Unsuccessful combination of different architectural styles

Huge garages (they are called Garage Mahal)

Low quality building materials

Do you see a new building that has already begun to collapse? This is it!

4. "Garage Mahal"

5. Wildwood, New Jersey. Typical poppy mansion!”

6. “A mansion that resembles a hotel for an hour both inside and out”

7. "Somewhere in Texas"

8. “Why do they need these columns?”

9. “What I like best is this command and control tower in the center tower.”

10. “When there was only enough money for the façade”

11. “Loganville, Georgia. House with an area of 1765 sq. m. Initial price: $2.6 million, eventually sold for $374,900.”

12. “I shake my head every time I pass by this building.”

13. "Joel Osteen's McMansion"

14. “Attempting to create the ugliest house imaginable was a 10 out of 10 success.”

15. “Suburban McMansions in Texas. Close to each other"

16. “More windows, good and different”

17. “How do you like it?”

18. “But someone probably likes it”

19. “This house needs a chiropractor.”

20. "The Saddest Castle in Florida"

23. “Someone really loves skylights”

22. “I pass by this house every day. It's so tasteless it makes me sick."

23. "Texas never disappoints"

24. “Indian Ridge is a failed development near Branson, Missouri. Sorry sight"

25. “They demolished a normal house and built some kind of monster in its place. For what?"

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