A new round of fame!: Britney Spears's dance with knives gave rise to a bunch of memes on the Internet

3 October 2023

The dances of singer Britney Spears have been consistently exciting her subscribers for several years now. But usually she just posts weird swimsuit moves. Most recently, Britney picked up the props and once again became famous online.

Britney Spears does not lose heart and publishes her strange dances on the page. True, the dance turned out to be aggressive. Britney danced with kitchen knives in front of the camera. Then subscribers became worried and even called the police to Britney’s house. On her page, the singer stated that they did not want to leave until she talked to them.

It is unacceptable for police to listen to random fans and come to my home without reason,” Spears wrote.

And then she posted a new dance with knives

Britney Spears' dancing became famous online and users even made a bunch of memes with her.

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