A rude car driver in Krasnodar parked at a pedestrian crossing and began threatening

18 September 2023
The blonde did not react to the comments of pedestrians, and when she saw that she was being filmed, she went for broke.

On September 13, near school No. 97 in the Dostoyanie residential complex (Near Western Bypass), Krasnodar residents were able to observe an ugly scene. The blonde parked her car right at the pedestrian crossing. Madame reacted to the remark of others with aggression.

Seeing that she was being filmed on a smartphone camera, the woman launched into a tirade:

“Today I will personally send this creature to my godfather because she hit my car with her hand! They will write a police report against you! And your husband, bitch, will smash your face! Do you understand, creature?

The blonde also took out her smartphone to capture the image of the offender.

By the way, those present claim that the person filming the traffic violation did not cause any damage to the car, because I didn’t touch the car.

After the obscene tirade, the young lady retreated, and the video of the Krasnodar “Barbie” quickly spread across local public pages and caused natural indignation among the townspeople.

Carefully! The video contains profanity!

Local media reported that Krasnodar police organized an investigation. It will not be difficult to establish the lady's identity. The violator of traffic rules will face administrative punishment.
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