Creepy and strange beauty trends from the past (12 photos)

14 September 2023

Today many people grumble about youth and young fashionistas because of their appearance. All these tattoos, piercings, bright makeup (or all of it absence), dyed hair, oversized clothes (or vice versa, too frank) and so on. This is some kind of obscenity and debauchery! But seriously, this is all an innocent kindergarten, if you compare the above with the beauty trends of the past. Not only do they look strange and illogical, but at the same time such beauty trends were dangerous for life. It's good that all this is in the past.


In Victorian England, women's thin waists were not only a tribute fashion, but also duty. Only those whose behavior did not correspond to generally accepted norms.

This wardrobe item brought real torment to women, causing fainting, difficulty breathing and displacement of internal organs. Corsets of the past cannot be compared with modern models, which made on a completely different principle and are not able to drag on like that.

In ancient times, Japan had an unusual tradition of blackening teeth.

It was called ohaguro and existed until the Meiji period (1868-1912). Blackening was carried out by girls who got married. It was a sign of her strong and unchanging feelings for her husband.

The teeth were stained with a special paste, which was made from iron filings, vinegar and tea dust.

Shaved forehead

In the Elizabethan era (1558-1603), a high forehead was considered a symbol beauty. Many women and men deliberately shaved the hair on their foreheads, to match the fashion trend. Some even managed to delete all facial hair to make your transformation even more noticeable.

Huge wigs

The main legislators of European fashion in the 16th century were kings. So, thanks to Louis the fourteenth, the well-known huge powdered wigs. However, the reason for its incredible popularity The accessory was far from rooted in the desire to be part of a stylish crowd. Representatives of the nobility used wigs to hide their bald heads. And it was a necessity, because long hair was considered one of the symbols in Europe authorities.

Women also did not lag behind men. However, their bulky wigs primarily emphasized their status.

Unnatural pallor

In the 19th century, many women deliberately ate waffles containing arsenic, and They also consumed it in its pure form in small quantities. Such the manipulation made it possible to make the face paler, remove freckles and blackheads

Radiant skin

Marie and Pierre Curie, who discovered radium, did not even realize that this the dangerous element will be used in cosmetics. But exactly This is what entrepreneurs working in the cosmetology industry did. industry. In the 1930s, radium was literally hailed as the “cure for everything” and They began to actively add it to powders, lipsticks, and creams. The most a popular manufacturer of such deadly cosmetics has become American company Tho-Radia. While the brand was earning millions dollars, millions of his clients irrevocably undermined their health, receiving incredible doses of radiation.

Large pupils

Today, to emphasize the beauty of their eyes, women actively use cosmetics and contact lenses. Previously, fashionistas used these methods are not available, so the juice of belladonna, a poisonous plant, was used, which dilated the pupil and made the gaze radiant and deep.

Fake moles

Women began to actively resort to bright makeup in the 18th century. Except For pale faces, flies were in fashion. Pieces of fabric in the shape of stars, moles and squares were used to hide minor skin imperfections. They were also often used as ordinary decoration (as today, for example, glitter or rhinestones are used).

X-ray machine for beauty

Did you know that previously the X-ray machineactively used for remove unwanted hair and improve skin condition? Unfortunately, in in those days no one had any idea of the monstrous consequences may result in repeated exposure.

Hoop skirt

In the first half of the 19th century, wide crinoline skirts came into fashion. These strange products were a frame made of hoops that were made of linen and whalebone. It's probably not even worth talking about how uncomfortable these items of clothing were - because of them it was impossible It's normal to walk and sit.

lame skirt

These are extremely narrow skirts that reach to the ankle. Women traded their heavy dresses for this early prototype of the pencil skirt. However, this fashion item came at a price: women could walk only in small, measured steps.

Intentional deformation of the skull

Deliberate deformation of the skull was generally common among the Mayan tribes, Huns, Indians and various peoples of Africa. This the transformation technique has existed for a long time and it is impossible to say exactly for which it was done specifically for the purpose. Some researchers suggest that this is a tribute to cultural values, others are sure that such a transformation skulls decorated a person, indicating his high social status. There is also a theory according to which deformation influenced the character person and his behavior.

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