25 People Who Bought Their Dream Home And Regretted It Almost Immediately (26 Photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
4 September 2023

Imagine that you have been saving for years for the home of your dreams - and Here, at last, the dream came true. But very soon after moving problems begin to emerge here and there ... And the house, which seemed perfect, fades a little in your eyes. About stories like this people share on the subreddit Well… That sucks… (“Hmm… that sucks…)

1. “My wife and I saved up for many years to build our hut. dreams in the forest. Less than two years later in an abandoned house across the street a tobacco shop has opened that glows like the beacons of Gondor"

2. “A wild turkey broke into my neighbors house.”

3. "Neighbourhood" security lighting "that burns around the clock and seven days a week"

4. “Please don't bury your pet in a plastic container. Someone (me) might accidentally dig it up one day.”

5. "I'm starting to think this beautiful view isn't worth golfers aiming straight for our homes."

6. “Well, somehow I got a water snake in my toilet.”

7. “There are no fuses in my new house.”

8. “I was about to go to bed and saw this in the bedroom”

9. "This is a wall in my friend's house"

10. "Went down to the basement to do laundry"

11. "In ten seconds, I'll know the value of life jackets and renter's insurance."

12. “For a long time we could not understand why our outdoor sink constantly clogged, so they called someone to check the plumbing. Turns out the drain went into a bucket from Home Depot.”

13. "The hallway of an apartment building in Dallas, Texas, looks like a scene from the Titanic"

14. “Find out why the house starts to stink every time the water heater is turned on.”

15. “Forgot to close the main water valve for the winter”

16. "The story of "Honey bees swarming at my house." The beekeeper came to save them. They were building a new hive in a sheathing"

17. “This is what I see from the bathroom floor: I’m looking at a hole in the ceiling that I just fell through.”

18. “Asked my wife not to step on the drywall. She later admitted that she didn't know what drywall was."

19. “I left our perfectly ordinary house on business. When I came back an hour and a half later, I saw this

20. “The kitchen sink just fell right through the hole in the countertop.”

21. “Kitchen cabinet very badly decided to fall on the stove and smash it to smithereens.”

22. “I think I need a bigger bucket.”

23. “After living in my house for two years, I came home and found out that my mantelpiece was just glued on.”

24. “Heard a terrible noise in the middle of the night. Thought it was a thief. And this is not a thief ... "

25. “Woke up because of a wild rumble in the kitchen. What a nightmare!"

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