Serial killer Tag Behram, who was considered a saint by his followers (6 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
29 August 2023

The East is such a delicate matter that individual manifestations of this cultures are able to put into a stupor not only refined Europeans, but also representatives of similar cultures.

Indian Tag Behram (1765 - 1840) can safely claim to the status of the bloodiest killer in history. Or one of the most. But what it is noteworthy that this man committed his atrocities in the name of God. More precisely, goddesses.

Possible depiction of Behram

Behram led a sect of Thug strangler fanatics. Indian thugs or thugs (from thuggee - strangler) can be safely called the most bloodthirsty monster bandits in the history of mankind. During the period the existence of a sect that originates in the Middle Ages, fanatics killed about a million people. They believed that perform a good deed - destroy prolific people in the name of the goddess Kali. The more victims, the faster the goddess of death and chaos will come into the world. The ritual was dedicated to the deity, and the property that the dead without needs, tightness appropriated.

Picture of Cali

Behram stood out from his peers with a good physical development in adolescence. His first ritual the murder, as Tag admitted, he committed at the age of only 12 years. Behind the time of active activity of the group of fanatics, which he led, the man personally dealt with 125 unfortunates. According to other data there were much more of them - 931 people. And although this number looks absolutely wild, nothing can be ruled out. Most likely it is about the total number of ritual murders attended by leader.

Tug group

They were performed mainly with the help of rumala - ritual a handkerchief used by the Tugi during ceremonies. In Behram's handkerchief a special medallion was sewn in, which increased the pressure on the throat victims, causing additional suffering. There is an opinion that now The decoration is kept in the collection of a private collector.

Although his followers considered him a saint, Tug, nothing hesitated, surrendered most of his subordinates, when the British nevertheless found out about the existence of a bloody organization and took the leader. Fearing possible unrest and rescue attempts, the authorities decided to quickly hush up the matter and execute him.

Symbolically, but the holy murderer, who himself strangled a huge number of people died almost the same - was hanged. Behram - one of the most massive serial killers remained in history under the nickname Thug.

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