25 interesting and unusual collections from very enthusiastic people (26 photos)

29 August 2023

All of us — at least in childhood — did it. Gathered a collection. Stamps, chewing gum inserts, coins, matchboxes, calendars, postcards, models of cars .. Later, little collectors grow adults who have many other important things to do. But some people passion for collecting remains for life!

1. “I always look for heart-shaped stones wherever I go. I have many more, I just need to make a new display case for them.”

2. "This is about 20% of my collection of vintage bottles, made in the years 1850-1930"

3. “My collection of frogs is mostly stone and glass.”

4. “My treasury. Consists of found pebbles, buttons, shells, coins, keys and other nonsense "

5. “I collect pressure gauges. It started as a joke, and then they began to bring me tons of them. ”

6. “I have 17 Harry Potter wands, but this is a gem my collection: a completely unique wand made of solid rosewood, I bought at an art fair"

7. "Collection of shark teeth"

8. “I have been collecting stones for two years now”

9. “Somehow I ended up with a whole bunch of memorabilia coins (and a random coin from the Cayman Islands, but it has turtle so that's cool)"

10. “Rubber ducks! At first there were few of them, and now there is no more room in the bathroom.

11. “My collection of Red Line Hot Wheels Race Track Playsets”

12. "Collection of Mexican papier-mâché dolls"

13. "The collection of bears my mom keeps giving me for no reason."

14. "A collection that reminds me of my vacations and trips"

15. "Biggest Thomas and the Treasure Cart (Take-n-Play) collection I've ever seen, and it's mine!"

16. “Crystal paperweights. I have been collecting them for almost 40 years, there are items from the 1800s. This is just part of the collection."

17. "My collection of flamingos"

18. “Collection of gin bottles. Some are very pretty (and the gin was delicious)”

19. “My feather collection, from left to right: 1) chicken, 2) robin, 3) almost sure it's a crow, 4) I think it's a blue jay, 5) I don't know 6) I don't know

20. “My collection of Converses. I have a few more pairs that are not in the picture. Yellow is the most favorite

21. “Part of my collection of 1970s Fugly pottery made in New Zealand.”

"My walking poles, made by myself"

23. “I collect vaseline (uranium) glass. It glows under ultraviolet light. Completely safe"

24. “About half of my board strategy pieces”

25. “Bottom right is an ammonite, next to it is a fossil tree, next to it are shark teeth, I don’t remember the rest. All authentic!

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