A woman was scared as hell by a bear at her door

28 August 2023

A resident of Florida, USA, was terrified when she saw a wild bear on the porch of her house. First she heard the barking of her dog, and then the bear itself appeared. The moment was captured by a video intercom at the front door.

An elderly Florida resident named Gina Helsel suddenly heard her dog barking in the middle of the night - and decided to check who the dog was barking at. The woman left the house, and a wild bear suddenly appeared around the corner. She was frightened, screamed, and quickly ran back home. According to the woman, in her area, alligators and snakes are usually wary, but not bears.

"I thought there were cats on the porch, because they usually run there. But I was in for a surprise," the woman said in an interview.

The moment was captured by a video intercom at the front door. Local wildlife specialists from the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) later commented on the video, saying that such incidents often occur because residents leave garbage outside the house. Experts have recommended keeping garbage inside so as not to attract bears, who begin to actively search for food by the beginning of autumn. To scare away the bear, you can make noise or shine lanterns before opening the front door.

"I've never been so scared. It was terrible. I then thought:" It's good that I'm half asleep. If I had been awake, I would have had a heart attack," the woman said.

1 comment
29 August 2023
3 380 comments
И как не подскользнулась только?... laughing
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