Famous women whose figures were recognized as ideal according to the "golden ratio" (9 photos)

25 August 2023

Conversations about the ideals of beauty are a walk on a blade. Step left or to the right and here you are, an enchanting discussion and scandal are provided for you. For everyone himself forms for himself an idea of u200bu200bideal beauty. AND so it was at all times. While some at the balls fell in love with "muslin young ladies, "others remained in favor with plump ladies. Today, in general, little has changed. Is it that experts have developed a formula for "golden section ". And these are not the same" 90-60-90 ". They called famous women, whose figure corresponds to these "ideal figures". Let's see.

Salma Hayek

The figure of a beautiful Mexican woman, who is now 56 years old, corresponds to the ideal by 88%.

El MacPherson

And the 59-year-old Australian model is 88.3% perfect.

Cameron Diaz

The 50-year-old star of The Mask and Charlie's Angels scored 91%.

Katy Perry

The figure of the 38-year-old singer, according to experts, is 92% perfect.

Kelly Brook

The silhouette of the British model, 43 years old, is 92.9% perfect.

Marilyn Monroe

In this list could not be one of the main beauties of the last century. Her parameters were 94% perfect.

Helen Mirren

The figure of Mirren, who is now 78 years old, corresponds to the "golden ratio" by 95.6%.

Kim Kardashian

The most famous Kardashian, according to experts, is 96.3% perfect. Today she is 42.

Scarlett Johansson

But the figure of 38-year-old Scarlett is closest to the ideal. Corresponds to the "golden section" by 96.4%.

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