A dam protecting the city from flooding broke in Russia
Water rushed towards the city and already flooded dozens of houses.
A dam broke through in the Seven Winds microdistrict, water rushed into the streets of the already flooded city in a swift stream. The dam was not put into operation. It was planned that it will be handed over in September. The temporary structure, built in case of floods, could not withstand the pressure of the water.
However, the press service of the city claims that there is no break in the dam, but a small hole has formed.
“Proran is when water overflowed in one place and a narrow thin ravine formed, and water flows through the dam along this ravine. <...> Water comes in, <...> a separate house, the outer one, the first floor is flooded, the rest are basements, we are now bypassing the microdistrict, finding out if there is a need for evacuation, for accommodation in temporary accommodation centers, ”the situation was explained in the comment
Meanwhile, locals have been posting on social media about the situation in the city and making videos of what the streets of Ussiriysk look like. The private sector was particularly affected, and after a "small hole" the capital garages of the local cooperative were the first to be hit, which were flooded to the very roof.
And other people's dams spoil and do not follow their own.