If not me, then no one else: in Chelyabinsk, an aggressive Tajik attacked his ex-lover with a knife

8 August 2023
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The jealous man repeatedly told the woman that he would not let her communicate with any man and threatened to kill her, but she only brushed it off: they say, she just scares her.

Oksana and Rasul were a couple over 10 years ago. Then the relationship came to an end, they broke up, and it seemed that everyone had their own life. Rasul left for Tajikistan, Oksana met another man and gave birth to a child.

However, after a while, the Tajik again loomed on the horizon of Oksana. He returned to Russia and asked the woman for a temporary residence permit in her apartment. He behaved courteously, was helpful and polite, and the former decided to help him out of old friendship. She registered in the apartment and even allocated a room for the first time, until he gets a job in the city.

After that, according to Oksana's sister, Rasul started talking about resuming relations. First timidly, then boldly. “You will not be with your husband, you will not be with anyone. I will kill you, I will stab you,” he threatened, but the woman did not believe in the reality of the danger.

“She treated him well, thought she would scare him and leave him behind. And after another trick, she discharged him from the room, he became angry. She told him that she would not even maintain friendly relations. He became inadequate, threatened: “Be with me, otherwise I'll stab you." She asked her friend to go to the kindergarten for a child, because she was afraid to leave [the house]. She was already thinking of going to the police, writing a statement, she asked me to give evidence, "says Oksana's sister.

On the evening of August 4, Oksana's eldest daughter invited her mother for a walk. On the street, Rasul approached them, began to cling to the woman again, threatening her. She called the police. The Tajik was taken to the police department. After walking along the road, Oksana decided to go to a bar for a beer. There she was met by an ex-lover, who by that time had been released from the police.

He approached the woman and began to beat her with a knife. Aggressive man struck 8 blows to his victim before he stopped.

After the massacre, the man fled. Now the police are looking for him, and Oksana is in the hospital in serious condition. She underwent several operations, but the injuries affected the lungs, kidney, spleen, so doctors remain extremely cautious in their forecasts.

Native women hope that Oksana's strong body will help her get out of this scrape and recover. Oksana, in addition to her adult daughter, has a four-year-old son, and he really needs a mother.
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