russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for August 2-3

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
4 August 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- All drones are destroyed, but there is a nuance

The SBU carried out a special operation in the bay of Novorossiysk: the large landing ship "Olenegorsky Gornyak" was damaged.

The video shows how a surface drone, saturated with 450 kg of TNT, attacks a Russian ship with about 100 crew members. The special operation was carried out together with the Navy.

«Olenegorsk miner» received a serious hole and can not perform their combat missions.


From 20,000 to 50,000 Ukrainians have lost one or more limbs since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

200,000 Ukrainians were seriously injured and in 10% of cases, limb amputation was required.

The publication emphasizes that the figure may be higher, since the process of prosthetics takes a long time.

- Bloomberg:

Russian oligarchs, despite Western sanctions, have grown rich by $32 billion since the beginning of the year.

- The consequences of the Russian attack in Izmail on the Danube River in Odessa.

- The explosion occurred in the Guards region of Crimea.

There is also the Guards Air Base, where the 37th Composite Aviation Regiment of the Russian Federation is based.

- Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov:

The Armed Forces officially adopted the 10th model of the FPV drone.

For 15 months we have adopted more than 30 models of UAVs of various types.

- Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Pavel Yablonsky:

Relations between Ukraine and Poland have deteriorated due to a diplomatic scandal and are now "not the best".

This is due to the fact that "some emotions have appeared" in Ukraine.

Poland understands this, because the country is under attack from Russia, however, Ukraine should not attack its allies either.

We are guided by the policy of national interests. We help only to the extent that it is in our national interests.

Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine summoned the Ambassador of Poland in connection with the statement of the Minister of the Chancellery of Poland about the alleged ingratitude of the Ukrainians for their help.

In response, Poland summoned the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Foreign Ministry.

And the Prime Minister of Poland said that Ukraine made a mistake.

President Zelensky said that Ukraine is grateful to every country that provides assistance.

We will not allow any political moments to spoil relations between the Ukrainian and Polish peoples, and emotions must cool down.

- Schoolchildren will be taught a new discipline called "Defence of Ukraine"

It will include knowledge of first aid, mine safety, UAV control and terrain orientation.

The pilot of the project is planned to be launched in September in schools in various regions of Ukraine.

- It turned out that the soldier in this photo was a Pole, and Wagner's sources falsified him with their patch and the Russian flag.

- Politico:

The US government prepares for the potential evacuation of the majority of US embassy staff from Niger.

- The first Ukrainian-made demining machine.

- An electric motor manufactured by the Czech company AXi Model Motors, discovered by Ukrainians in the downed Russian Lancet kamikaze UAV.

- The New York Times:

Ukrainian military canceled US tactics during counteroffensive.

The bottom line is that the American way of warfare differs from the Russian one in the decentralized control of various units in combat.

But on the battlefield, the Ukrainian army faced significant mining and massive shelling.

Ukrainian commanders changed tactics: they began to wear down enemy forces with artillery and missiles.

- Poland handed over to Ukraine all 200 promised Rosomak armored personnel carriers

- Igor Sofonov, a mercenary from the Russian PMC Wagner, who returned from the war, killed 6 people.

The incident occurred in the village of Derevyanoe in the Republic of Karelia.

The 37-year-old criminal Sofonov was released from prison to take part in the war against Ukraine.

- Wagner chief Prigozhin on the coup in Niger:

This is a liberation struggle, a liberation movement for the independence of Niger and God bless them and may they succeed.

And there is also a pipe that planned gas supplies to Europe, but apparently we will have to look for another pipe now.

- Prime Minister of Ukraine Shmyhal:

Ukraine's spending on the war and maintenance of the Armed Forces is about 2 trillion hryvnia (54.1 billion dollars) a year.

- The French international media France 24 and RFI say that their broadcasts in Niger are blocked.

- Two US Navy sailors arrested on suspicion of spying for China.

Both are accused of passing national defense information in exchange for cash.

- Russia is hitting Ukraine with rockets that Kyiv handed over to Moscow for debts for gas in the late 90s.

In 1999, in exchange for paying off debts for consumed Russian gas, Ukraine transferred to Russia 8 Tu-160 heavy bombers and 3 Tu-95MS heavy bombers and 575 Kh-55 missiles.

- New Bottom Broken: Russians mine the bodies of dead colleagues!

Reuters: The Russians are mining the corpses of their colleagues in abandoned positions.

A Ukrainian sapper named Volodymyr told Reuters that the Russian military is mining the bodies of dead colleagues. According to him, at one of the abandoned positions of the RF Armed Forces there were three or four corpses lying on top of each other. After they turned the bodies over with a special hook, an anti-tank mine was found under them. Minesweeper says the Russians are aware that Ukrainian medical evacuation teams are picking up and examining the wounded and the dead.

- Decembrist's wife

- In the city of Kulebaki, Nizhny Novgorod Region, an advertisement for a contract service was placed on the windows of the Ritual Services enterprise;

Working for the future

- Ukrainian Sergey Okrushko, who was detained in the case of sabotage at an oil refinery in Samara, could be tortured. He refused the services of a lawyer.

Electrician Sergei Okrushko, suspected of organizing an explosion at the Kuibyshev oil refinery (paragraph "c" of Part 2 of Article 281 of the Criminal Code), refused the services of a lawyer two days after the conclusion of the agreement. At the same time, the lawyer noted extensive hematomas on the body of his client. This is reported by the "Solidarity Zone". On August 1, collaborating with the "Solidarity Zone" lawyer Zakhar Lebedev visited Okrushko in the pre-trial detention center and received consent to carry out the defense. However, two days later, on August 3, Okrushko, at a meeting with lawyers and an investigator, announced that he was refusing to defend Lebedev and wanted "toso that the lawyer who was before [meaning the lawyer by appointment — OVD-Info], so as not to delay the investigation.

Lebedev asked the man to sign a written refusal. When Okrushko was writing the text, the lawyer noticed an extensive hematoma on his left arm. “To my question, where did he get such hematomas from, Sergey without hesitation said:“ During the arrest. To a clarifying question why they were not there when I was in his pre-trial detention center, Sergey uncertainly said that they appeared only now, — says Lebedev.

After the suspect wrote a refusal, the lawyer was forced to leave the FSB building, accompanied by an officer. “We are sure that between August 1 and today, Sergei Okrushko was tortured in a pre-trial detention center or elsewhere in order to persuade him to refuse an independent lawyer. Alas, at this stage, the criminals in uniform have achieved their goal. But we will make every effort to provide Okrushko with full protection and assistance, », — emphasize the participants of the "Zone of Solidarity". The Samara District Court previously sent Okrushko to a pre-trial detention center until September 28. He is suspected of preparing an explosion that occurred at the Kuibyshev oil refinery on July 28. The bomb exploded in the decommissioned old building, no one was injured in the explosion. According to Okrushko's lawyer by appointment, Vyacheslav Pavelkin, after the first explosion, his client defused two other explosive devices. "He did not have a goal to harm people," — defender emphasized. He also said that by his actions Okrushko wanted to protest against the war in Ukraine, and had previously participated in anti-war rallies. The man was detained the day after the explosion while trying to leave the Orenburg region for Kazakhstan. According to Pavelkin, his client admitted his guilt and repented.

Before the start of a full-scale war with Ukraine, Russia was rarely judged under the article on sabotage (Article 281 of the Criminal Code) — over the past ten years, the courts have handed down several sentences a year, Mediazona found out. Since the fall of 2022, the security forces began to regularly initiate criminal cases under this article: the journalists of the publication studied the known materials and found out that almost three-quarters of them refer to damage to relay cabinets on railways. In addition, at the end of 2022, the punishment for sabotage was toughened: three new related articles were introduced into the Criminal Code, one of which provides for life imprisonment.

- Kotya makes final inspection of drones before sending to Ukraine

- Elena Zelenskaya became the heroine of the issue of the British edition of The Independent: "If Russia wins now, this will be the worst scenario for all mankind" — cover text

- Or they could give a simple scooter

- Wagner PMC soldier found under Nazi tattoos

- A brief dialogue between a Golan quilted jacket and a sane person

There are a lot of pro-Russian leftists in Europe who criticize the West and NATO, but live in the West and are ethnic residents of a Western country and a member of NATO.

The main problem is that all this rubbish that Russian propaganda spits out in the media like "Sarmat on Washington" and Solovyov's threats to launch a nuclear strike on a number of Western countries — all this does not leak into the Western media, and it turns out that the dark essence of Russia and its propaganda are isolated from the Western media, not of course something leaks, but it is ignored, and ultimately Ukraine is to blame;) Yes, it’s a shame, but this curiosity is in all Western Putinists in the telegram space.

- Continuation about a pensioner who received 3 years for anti-war comments: cops killed his cat during aska

- Closed up and no problems

The word peace in the meaning of peace is prohibited in the Russian Federation. We got out so as not to break the wall

a little photoshop

- Strelkov's case was classified

- A migrant from Tajikistan eliminated the "hero of the SVO" in a Russian bar, calling him an aggressor for participating in the war

- In Krasnodar, a girl was fined 30 thousand rubles for a bag with the inscription "Sex is cool, but putin's death better" (“Sex — is cool, but Putin’s death is better”)

What happened?

- "Walk in the Forest" - We are happy to share the results of our appeal to the European Parliament. MEPs called for easier issuance of visas and asylum to Russians who refuse to participate in the war.

We are pleased to share the first results of our appeal to the European Parliament — six European deputies appealed to the EU authorities to facilitate the procedure for issuing visas and granting asylum to Russians who refuse to participate in the war.

"We call on the Commission and EU Member States to hold further consultations on a common visa policy for Russians with a view to adapting the guidelines for issuing entry visas for Russians and reviewing asylum procedures for Russians fleeing their country due to refusal to serve in the Armed Forces forces of Russia», — deputies concluded.

European deputies expressed their concern about a possible new wave of mobilization in Russia and the growth of refugees in the EU countries.

Let's keep our fingers crossed and continue our work!

- Propaganda changes people

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