The guy travels all over the UK to evaluate the benches (17 photos)

He talks about the most comfortable and most uncomfortable benches.

We all have hobbies. Some go in for sports, others collect elephants, magnets or plates from travels, others enjoy cooking or fishing. Samuel Wilmot from The UK also has a very non-standard hobby: he collects ... benches! Below are 15 examples from his unique collection.

We are sure that you have never heard of such an unusual hobby as Samuel's.

23-year-old Briton travels around the kingdom to evaluate the benches

He already has fans who follow Samuel on social media

Wilmot doesn't just leave a quick comment and give a random rating.

He backs up every figure with facts, scoring Britain's shops on a ten-point scale.

Samuel talks in detail about the material from which the bench is made

Some shops are supplied with stories of appearance

The Englishman describes his impressions of the bench, says how comfortable it is

And of course, he dwells on aesthetics and tells what you can see while sitting on a bench.

Sam also shares his experience and gives various advice

For example, that you need to have a napkin with you to wipe the bench

Or advises you to hold your hat tightly, since the shop is located in a very windy place

These descriptions are beautiful, they have a lot of humor, sarcasm and interesting facts.

For example, a comment on a bench at Aberystwyth Castle in Wales on July 3:

“If you decide to visit this bench, be sure keep your hats, wigs, and anything loosely fastened, because here an unrelenting wind blows from the sea. The bench itself is quite standard, of decent shape and size, is located among the ruins of Aberystwyth Castle. A little lacking in decent oil/varnish. Its concrete base could slightly longer to minimize soil erosion at the foot, but from here you have a beautiful view of the sea. 6/10".

Sam also noted that the bench has good potential for high score, however it is overshadowed by one story related to this bench. More than a year ago, an unknown person attached to the back of the bench unauthorized tablet in memory of a certain Hugh Davis, who loved sit here and swear swear words at seagulls. Eventually the sign was removed. only after she went viral on social networks, but traces of her remained.

And finally, the bench, which Sam rated 8 points out of 10

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