16 failures that ruined people's whole day (17 photos)

27 July 2023

I collected for you 16 stories of exotic failures from people who do not lose heart and use their failures in order to entertain colleagues on the Internet.

“Riding a mower over a hornets nest while shearing lawn, and one of them stung me on the brow. Every year I find something new the lair of these demons"

The author said that the left photo was taken after 30 minutes after he was stung by a hornet, and the right one after 5 hours. Hornets masterfully know how to build nests underground and the author of the photo was out of luck ride on one of them with a lawn mower.

One of the users shared his funny way dealing with hornet nests: “If you notice a nest before stepped on him, that's a tactic I once used. For a while I watched a hole in the ground to see how often hornets fly in and out. Then, in the intervals between arrival and leaving, I tossed the marshmallow as close to the hole as possible and pushed it through stick inside the nest. Then I ran away from there as fast as I could. The next morning, when I returned, the raccoons completely ruined nest, digging it up to get to the larvae"

“Today my engine suddenly exploded and my car caught fire while I was driving onto the highway.”

“Just to clarify, I recently changed the oil and the mileage of the car was 1,287,478 km. I was driving out onto the highway when all of a sudden my the engine just exploded. I stopped and noticed that the situation with smoke deteriorated markedly. I made my wife get out of the car and threw away as many valuables as he could before everything burned down in fire. Luckily our 7 month old baby was not with us when the car caught fire, ”wrote the author of the photographs.

The author also reported that it was a Kia Soul car. Many users wrote that this sometimes happens with Kia cars. How Kia reportedly has some models in which a fire engine is a known issue

"My avocado was 90% pit"

The whole difficulty in buying avocados is not only to choose a ripe fruit, but also to buy one in which the stone relative to the pulp will be as small as possible. Due to this users recommended buying not round, but elongated avocados. Users asked in no case to grow from this seed avocado, and suggested that perhaps the pulp of this fruit was divinely delicious

“Yes, it is wax. I blew out the candle too hard and now my computer is covered in wax. Delight!"

“Well, of course it’s “candle wax”,” the author himself joked. popular comment. The author of the photo replied that in fact he is - a girl, not a horse. The original signature is written in English, therefore, the gender was not initially incomprehensible.

“I managed to clean it all up - it took me about two days. The worst part was cleaning the keyboard, but my tablet is still damn greasy and I can't clean it properly. At first scraped off the wax, and then used isopropyl alcohol, ”later wrote the author of the photo

“Tried to save a homeless kitten. He bit my finger and disappeared into the night. Now I need to give 5 rabies injections within next 2 weeks"

In the comments they wrote that first it was necessary to feed kitten, and then take it with gloves or a thick towel, which would protect the author of the photo from the claws and teeth of a frightened animal. The author replied that he originally wanted to do so, but was afraid that as soon as he enters the house, the kitten will run away somewhere. It turns out, that it would be better if it happened

“Cleaned my espresso machine after drinking coffee. Inside it was…”

Somehow, a fly ended up in the horn of the coffee machine. On When asked if this coffee was better or worse than regular coffee, the author replied: "The taste was great!"

One of the users wrote that he did not know how notice a fly in the horn while making espresso, what autop photo answered: “So, you and I drink completely different espresso. I could make it in the dark, it's so easy"

“The delivery guy hung the order on my fence and my dog ate every bite of it.”

On the one hand, the delivery man is to blame, who simply left order on the fence unattended, because if not a dog, then it could be taken away any passerby. The author of the photo, who was expecting delivery, is also to blame, but while not removing the dog from the yard. Unfortunately, food deliveries are not pay enough to risk their health by going in the yard with a free-roaming guard dog

“Not only was my bread moldy before its expiration date, it also had a tunnel drilled through it.”

We don’t even want to think what the baker did with this bread.. Some in the comments accused the author himself of excessive love for bread photos, to which he replied: “I was just going to make a sandwich for the night shift. This is not the first time I buy such a gluten free bread".

“They just removed the place where the gluten was,” joked one of the commentators.

“I took this photo after picking up my dog from the groomer. Caught him as soon as he started doing it"

It is worth noting the eye contact of the dog with his owner. As the author of the photo wrote: "He knew what he was doing." Users the author was asked if he allowed the dog to walk after the haircut, before than to take him to the car, to which he replied that there was no grass nearby, and he was very fast. Thus, the owner himself is to blame for the fact that his pet left resources for revenge

"Lightning struck my house yesterday"

Luckily, there was no fire. Unfortunately, the author of the photo a lot of equipment burned down, namely: 1 TV, 2 modems, photo printer, instantaneous water heater, home cooling zone controller and 2 mechanisms opening garage doors. Users tried to cheer up the author, pointing out that he was unharmed and what happened in his life quite a rare event, they also advised him to get lightning rod

“I was unloading dishes from the dishwasher, and when I lifted glass, it exploded in my hands. Does anyone know what I can to make sure it doesn't happen again?"

Users wrote that, most likely, this happened due to the fact that the author of the photo took with cold hands a hot glass made of low quality glass. Users also advised not to put in dishwasher dishes that are not marked as suitable for this wash.

“I don't think the glass will break again. In my experience, each glass only does it once,” wrote one of the jokers in comments.

“Let someone else unload the dishwasher,” flew another brilliant answer

"My pillow fell off the bed and my dog peed on it"

“My dog is very old (15 years old), so she has excuse but she usually barks to wake me up when she needs to pee at night. I prefer to believe that in my senile state she thought it was a "piss" pad (although she didn't used it for more than ten years),” wrote the author of the photo. From all this you can understand that the pillow fell to the floor at night, when the author of the photo was sleeping, and dogs once had a kind of pillow to do their business without going out from home. The author wrote that he would not wash the pillow, but simply throw it away her

“Ordered corn dogs for 4 people and they delivered all the sauces in 1 glass”

Looks like the place just ran out of cups and staff didn't bother. No matter how hard you try, in the end it all mixes into one sauce with an unpredictable taste. Should the author of the photo call the restaurant and complain?

“I don’t know where my wisdom tooth is going, but this is wrong”

The author of the photo wrote that while the tooth does not bother him, therefore his removal was delayed by 6 months due to a long queue. Users advised to go to another dentist, as this wisdom teeth can damage rootsa burning tooth

“I climbed to a height of 1 km to an alpine lake only to have a mountain goat gnaw on my fishing rod”

“There were so many goats. I was fly fishing and got hooked to the bottom, when the goats began to force us out. I had to leave so I put the fishing rod on the ground, as he could not unhook it. I didn't expect that one of them will bite the bait. Only when they left did I return, raised her and saw it,” wrote the author of the photo. The author also wrote that this a funny story happened to him in Colorado, USA.

Well, mountain goats: 1, fisherman: 0

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