Lone hero chases off robbers with samurai swords by throwing a case of beer at them (8 photos + 1 video)

24 July 2023

In December 2021, a series of daring robberies. The thieves wore masks and were armed with samurai swords. During one of the robberies, a random buyer entered into confrontation with bandits and threw a crate of beer at them. Camera CCTV captured this impressive moment!

Dramatic footage shows the moment when the crazy a lone hero chased armed robbers out of a store in Leeds, throwing a crate of beer at them.

To date, it is already known who these robbers are. Their figured out, caught and recently just condemned. One of them - 25-year-old Jeffrey Chikosha (received 9 years), the second - 23-year-old Brandon Jarrett (he was given 6 years and 9 months). There was also a third accomplice but there is no information about him.

So, how did it happen.

In a recording released by West Yorkshire Police, Jarrett is heard threatening the salesgirl and telling her, "Open the cash register, otherwise you will be hurt.” She tryna open the till, masked thug brandishes his sword and yells, "Open up or I'll hit you." Then myself breaks the cash register. In general, it looks creepy, because in the hands of thugs swords and not the fact that they will not use them.

At that moment, there was a customer in the store. This man was not afraid to challenge Jarrett, who threatened him with a sword.

Brandon Jarrett, 23, was sentenced to six years and nine months in prison for three armed robberies and three counts of possession of samurai swords

Jeffrey Chikosha, 25, was sentenced to nine years jail time for three armed robberies and three counts allegations of possession of samurai swords

The recording shows how Chikosha behind the counter repels saleswoman, preventing her from pressing the alarm button. Then hacks cashier, pulls out money. Also, thieves take cigarettes in the store.

The brave buyer tells them all the time: "Do your business quickly and get out of here." He warns that he will start with them fight if they don't leave and leave the seller alone. Jarrett rushes towards him, but the man throws a crate of beer at him and then kicks him out. from the store, armed with another heavy box.

Despite the fact that there are three of them, and he is alone, and they are armed with samurai swords, the three robbers retreat.

In the upper left corner - the same lone hero

Jarrett threatens a local hero with a sword as Chikosha and a third accomplice work behind the counter.

The police called Jarrett and Chikosha "hardened criminals". Thanks to local detective constable Alan Andrews, he was able to identify Chikosh by gait and voice. This was later confirmed by an expert on voice recognition, which compared it to a recording of a taxi order and previous recordings at the time of the police arrest.

Jarrett pleaded guilty to the charges, and Chikosha was found guilty after a trial in Leeds Crown Court. Both received decent terms.

In December 2021, they managed to commit three robberies on worked out scheme - on December 13 they broke into the post office, 23 December - to a convenience store, and on December 29 they came to rob more one store, after which they were tied pretty soon.

The store clerk was shocked but not injured.

Jarrett stood guard at the entrance, sword in hand, while Chikosha and the third accomplice took cash from the cash registers and emptied the shelves with cigarettes and tobacco.

Police found that Jarrett and Chikosha called a cab ten minutes after the robbery and Chikosha went home. Jarrett, according to the police, he was wearing a raincoat, which, after his arrest, was found at his house. During police interrogation, they denied any involvement. but both were charged with three armed robberies and three counts of possession of samurai swords.

Both had previous convictions for participating in car theft. using a special program to hack security systems.

Speaking after the verdict, Detective Inspector Vicki Vessey praised the bravery of the customer who was in the store during robbery time.

“Although we always advise people who find themselves in such potentially dangerous situations, put your safety first place, his actions were clearly relevant to the end of this incident before anyone was seriously hurt,” she said. - We let us see to it that his courage is officially recognized and that he received an award."

"Jarrett and Chikosha are notorious criminals responsible for a series of armed robberies in which the victims were subjected to really frightening ordeal and traumatic impact. We know, that offenders like these are very self-confident, because they wear masks and say: "No face - no business." But Andrews' detailed knowledge of local crime scene and investigative skills showed them that their arrogance is misplaced."

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