For the first time in history, the river was recognized as a victim of an armed conflict (3 photos)

20 July 2023

This is the Colombian Cauca.

Colombian Special Court for Peace recognizes Cauca River victim of an armed conflict between the government and the rebels from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

The ruling of the special court says that the river was inflicted serious damage due to its use as a mass grave, and also the use of mercury in illegal mines and discharges into water chemicals that were obtained in the manufacture of prohibited substances. It is noted that this is the first time in world history that the river was recognized. victims of armed conflict.

The decision, explained in court, also means that crimes against nature can be regarded as a violation of the rights human and war crime.

The Cauca River flows through the western part of Colombia, its length is 1350 kilometers.

Armed confrontation between the government and "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia" began in the 1960s and lasted for more than a dozen years. The agreement to end the conflict was signed in Havana in 2016. Victims of a long civil war became more than 200 thousand people.

метроплекс омега
метроплекс омега
20 July 2023
Гарний сайт цікаве є але хотілося хоч через кожна два дні ане майже тиждень сорянчик як прозвучало грубо і нагло
20 July 2023
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метроплекс омега,
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