In the Smolensk region, a 15-year-old guy stood up for a girl and now he may face a sentence

19 July 2023
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The young man heard women's cries and requests for help. According to him, the girl tried to fight off the rape. Then the teenager decided to save her and, together with his friends, came into conflict with the attacker.

He took a bat from a friend and beat the offender with it (at 34 seconds of the video, the teenager is circled). The student's friends believe that law enforcement agencies may unfairly work against him, since the beaten one wrote a statement - both about the beatings and about the missing purse.

The teenager himself assures that he did not take anything away and the only motive for the beating was the desire to protect the girl.

At the same time, the young lady herself was present nearby, but did not write a statement to the police. Doesn't answer calls or messages.

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