The Network told which films after watching led them to complete catharsis (13 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, Movie, PEGI 16
17 July 2023

Many people treat movies as if they were entertainment. Like, looked, laughed, rested and went on about his business. In such approach, of course, there is nothing wrong. There are a huge number films made for this very purpose. But there are films that hit audience with such a catharsis that you just want to sit for 10 minutes in silence and say nothing. Painfully many emotions and thoughts overwhelm heart and soul. There was a small flashmob on this topic. Reddit users. It all started with a guy asking: "What movie made you sit in silence for 10 minutes after watching?". By the way, which movie would you add to this list?

Save Private Ryan (1998)

When people in the cinema got up and left, everything was quiet, no one said a word.

Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

One of only two movies that were good but I'll never do it again. I won't watch them due to emotional trauma. The second is Seven.

Seven (1995)

What an atmosphere… Heavy rain, dark murder scenes, bustle city life, well, the plot. One of the best films ever made!

Schindler's List (1994)

"I could have saved more" - this scene breaks my heart every time.

Child of Man (2006)

I had no idea what to expect from the movie and was just looking for something could fill the time while I was out of town in business trip. I saw that the cinema is a few minutes away walk from my hotel, and went there. I was stunned. I recommended film to everyone who was ready to listen to me.

Green Mile (1999)

Silence was not only because of my sobs

My friends and I went to see it in the cinema. They went out in silence, sat in car for a good 30 minutes in silence, and one of us finally said: "Wow"

Pianist (2002)

Loved this film with a masochistic passion, because every time, when I watched it, it hurt. But the game of Adrien Brody is in it. was phenomenal.

Requiem for a Dream (2000)

This is the best movie I don't want to watch

The same. 10 years have passed, and I just watched the video with the ending and instantly regretted it. But this music

City of God (2002)

My favorite fact is for the scene where the boy gets shot in leg, the director asked the child actor to imagine the strongest pain that he could, and imagine that it had crept into his leg. It turns out that the boy thought about a toothache. His reaction was so sincere that the director immediately went to hug him after the take.

Reincarnation (2018)

Not at the end, but this scene... I had to pause the movie and just stare at the wall for a while

Blair Witch: Coursework from the Other World (1999)

I was young at the time and I believed all the marketing hype that these are "found footage". And my friend and I really just sat Silently after watching...

Later I learned that this is not a documentary...

Parasite (2019)

"Parasite" shut me up after the movie ended, I was silent while driving home with the radio turned off, silent, when she went to bed, and was silent all the next morning. Is not exaggeration.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)

I was reading a book and cried my eyes out. It took me years before I could bring myself to watch the movie. And I cried again all eyes

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