A selection of the smallest countries in the world (13 photos)

17 July 2023

There are cities in the world that are so big that you can walk around them up and down on foot will be very difficult. It can leave for a whole day, or even more, if you make "halts" along the way. And at the same time there are entire countries that you can run from and to, and not at all get tired. But this does not prevent them from feeling full, because many of which are a tasty morsel for investors. However, this is quite other story. So let's take a look at the tiniest countries in the world.

Barbados - 430 km2

Surely many people know this small state, located on island of the same name in the Atlantic. No wonder, because fame brought him singer Rihanna, who was born in these parts.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 389.3 km2

Grenada - 344 km2

The state is located on a large island in the Caribbean region. There are not many attractions here, but an inquisitive tourist find something to entertain yourself. For example, you can visit the underwater park sculptures or Lake Antoine, surrounded by dense banana plantations.

Malta - 316 km2

Maldives - 292 km2

Saint Kitts and Nevis - 261 km2

Marshall Islands - 160 km2

Liechtenstein - 160 km2

San Marino - 61 km2

Tuvalu - 26 km2

The Polynesian state of Tuvalu is a cluster of several small islands, which are located almost near the equator.

Nauru - 21.3 km2

Nauru has the status of the smallest independent republic in Earth. It is known for its beautiful beaches, coral reefs and unique nature.

Monaco - 2.02 km2

Vatican - 0.44 km2

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