A country where public hygiene is the norm (6 photos)

12 July 2023

Nepal is a place where many tourists come. Some want to immerse themselves in the local atmosphere, others insist on a personal meeting with the famous mountains of Nepal, and there are those who wish to visit various shrines. However, some local customs may first stun travelers.

Among these strange local customs is the issue of hygiene among the locals.

The whole country lives without a sewerage system and running water. Everyone solves this problem on their own, depending on their opportunities.

In large cities and in some institutions (which are not so many) local cleaning systems may exist, but they do not receive funding and therefore not controlled by the state. And closer to the mountains, you can generally forget about it. Water in Nepal is a value.

Obviously, no one monitors the quality of water, and in Nepal you need to drink either factory bottled water or boiled water repeatedly. Local residents also drink only such water. And have a tank with water on the roof of the house is a sign that the family is very rich in local standards.

Despite all the difficulties with water supply, the Nepalese do not neglect hygiene. Especially considering that both religion and local rituals associated with ablutions. True, they can be completely dirty only homeless and destitute people who seem to aspire to be ascetics, but in fact they were just bred tourists, asking alms.

The rest always try to keep clean. Majority of the population, which lives in poor conditions, can only bathe in rivers. And that's what they do.

There is no vegetation on the banks, and embankments in cities made of stone and completely open. And it doesn't bother anyone. People wash in front of everyone, without hiding. Men can sometimes wear underwear underwear or a symbolic bandage on the hips.

It is a little more difficult for women, because in the culture of Nepal there is no their exposure is allowed. Ladies have to wash in the river right in the sari. Despite the numerous folds of clothing, they still find a way be cleansed.

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