Mass brawl in the middle of the road in Yekaterinburg

10 July 2023
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Violators from neighboring countries did not like that they were not allowed into the general stream from the oncoming lane.

Yesterday afternoon, at the intersection of March 8 and Furmanov streets in Yekaterinburg, foreign specialists and local residents got into a fight. According to eyewitnesses, a minibus with workers from Central Asia was maneuvering in the oncoming lane, and when it decided to wedge into the general stream, the driver of the passenger car did not let it through. The violators did not like the man's integrity and soon the verbal conflict turned into a brawl.

The driver and his friend were in the car. The migrants, who were several times more numerous, attacked the men in a crowd and began to beat them, paralyzing traffic on the road. One of the attackers had a screwdriver in his hand. Fortunately, he did not use the weapon, limiting himself to threats.

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