Father of the Year from Ingushetia decided to punish a schoolboy who defeated his son in a street fight

20 May 2023
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You won't lose in a fight if you have a caring father.

In the small Ingush village of Kantyshevo, due to an ordinary fight between schoolchildren, a serious conflict broke out between several teips. The father and uncle of a ninth-grader named Dudarov brought the fuss. The men learned that their minor relative had been defeated in a street fight with classmate Marziev. To endure such a shame for the family was beyond their strength. They came to the school and arranged a second round between the schoolchildren, who had already made peace.

The hopes for the victory of the son and nephew did not come true here either. Then the men decided to show how to win in fights. The two of them attacked Marziev and began to beat him. Moreover, the school security guard and other children who tried to stop the beating and separate the fighting people got under the distribution.

The most interesting thing is that because of the actions of the father and uncle of the student, not only the ninth-grader Marziev suffered, but also children from other teips. Now irresistible fighters with shkolota Israpil and Izrail Dudarov will answer to the elders of several families. Whether the police joined the investigation of the incident, unfortunately, is not reported.

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