Telescope "James Webb" captured the result of the collision of two galaxies (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Space, PEGI 0+
7 July 2023

NASA has released a stunning image of the ancient crash. NGC 3256 may appear to be an ordinary spiral galaxy, but it is the cosmic creation has retained the scars of its turbulent birth.

"The galaxy NGC 3256 is the result of a head-on collision of two spiral galaxies, which probably happened 500 million years back," NASA says.

Thanks to its powerful infrared cameras "James Webb" was able to look into the heart of the galaxy, which is located at a distance of about 120 million light years from Earth.

NGC 3256 is chaotic, with glowing filaments of stars and dust. The collision of large galaxies caused the curvature of the shapes of the NGC 3256, led to a burst of star formation. Because these stars relatively young, they are clearly visible in the telescope image, glowing brightly orange and red colors.

Although most stars survived the collision, some thrown out of the galaxy. This is noticeable by the dark gray halo, surrounding bright orange dust. The halo is elongated in the upper left and lower right corner, it was here that the stars thrown out of their native galaxies.

These images will help scientists understand what's going on. when galaxies collide. Perhaps they will be able to unravel the mystery of how supermassive black holes grow to be billions of times larger Sun.

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