The reluctant storyteller whose inspiration awakened grief (8 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
3 July 2023

It is widely known that Conan Doyle hated Sherlock Holmes - the hero who made him famous. And dreamed of getting rid of him, so that realize themselves in other projects. Turns out he wasn't the first. a classic who did not take seriously the genre for which he became actually a pioneer.

We are talking about the wonderful storyteller Charles Perrault (1628-1703), who shy of his works and considered them nonsense. And this is partly understandable: Charles was the youngest of six sons of a Parisian judge. Like all brothers studied hard and became a lawyer. And later received a position at the court.

Charles Perrault

But, apparently, the angel still kissed this child at birth. Charles was drawn to writing. And at the same time with the main activity he wrote. The result, so to speak, of pen trials were three fairy tales in poems: "Donkey Skin", "Funny Desires" and "Griselda". complex, ornate, with a touch of glamour, they, of course, were designed for adult audience. For the simple reason that for children then back in basically nobody wrote anything. The ladies of the court unanimously appreciated creation as a "charman" and instead of chatting about gentlemen with enthusiasm discussed the intricacies of relationships between princes and their beautiful beloved. Not ignoring the fabulous creatures that interfered or helping the main characters.

Short happiness and forced writing

Literary Salon

In 1672, Charles was married. For love: no longer young 44-year-old man fell unconsciously in love with Marie Guichon, who was barely past 18 years. The girl attracted an employee of the French Academy not only beauty of youth. She was sensible beyond her years, and despite noble origin, devoid of affectation, stiffness and arrogance.

The couple lived in perfect harmony, despite the difference in age. At children were born to them - Francoise, Charles-Samuel and Pierre. But happiness turned out to be fast. The life of 24-year-old Marie was claimed by smallpox. Despite suffering, she found the strength to give the last orders regarding funerals, financial gratitude to servants and other issues.

Tales for all time

The children were still small and were in the care of a wet nurse. younger son. During this period, Charles headed the French Academy. AND traveled frequently on business matters. But when he returned, he spent everything free time with children. Daughter and sons asked to tell a fairy tale - to this ritual was taught to them by their mother.

It was difficult for my father to remember the fairy tales of his childhood. And he became write down and adapt those that the nurse told little Pierre. There have been many stories. And Charles tried to combine them with their adaptation simple peasant humor with salon elegance. In combination with simple language and a wise message at the end of the story became incredibly popular. They were talked about, they were retold. And fairy tales left palace vaults, went to the people, settled in shacks and huts.

Frame from the film "Donkey skin" 1970 with Catherine Deneuve

"Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times from teachings” is the name of the only book of fairy tales published by Perrot. To the above texts in verse, Perrault added eight new ones, in prose: Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty", "Thumb Boy", "Bluebeard", "Fairy Gifts" and "Riquet-with-tuft".

Frame from the cartoon "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish" 2022

The writer passed away six years after the publication of the book. AND no longer knew that it had been translated into all European languages. But really forced to become a storyteller and the ancestor of a special genre, the author forever remained in history, and his works were used and continue to be used as the basis for many films, plays, operas and cartoons.

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