Shake but don't mix: cruise ship caught in a storm off the coast of Florida

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
30 June 2023

Passengers experienced an unforgettable adventure while getting from the open decks to their cabins.

A video has gone viral on social media showing the situation on the cruise ship Independence of the Seas, caught in a storm off the coast of Florida. Either no one warned people about the impending cataclysm, or the most persistent ones remained on the decks. who decided that they would survive a tropical downpour.

Even through the screen it is scary to watch their attempts to resist the elements. Sun loungers fell from the upper deck directly onto the heads of gaping passengers, and in order not to be blown away from the deck, they had to hold on to the handrails.

The liner got into a storm before leaving for the Caribbean. True, as the media write, the storm that flew in just as quickly and unexpectedly left, leaving behind broken beach umbrellas and damaged recreational equipment.

As for tourists, they have experienced many exciting moments. Perhaps this adventure in the port of Cape Canaveral on the east coast of Florida will be for many of them one of the highlights of the trip.

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