Killer whales attacked a Russian yacht near the islands of the Caribbean
But the Spanish Coast Guard did not respond to the distress signal - they had a siesta.
Petersburger Anatoly Ilyasov, 33, says he spent the winter on his yacht "Subbota", traveling in the Caribbean under the Russian flag. Recently rowed already to the continent, and suddenly the ship shook. At first I thought it was stones, but it turned out to be killer whales. Moreover, the family: the mother taught the cub to attack, and chose "Saturday" as a pear.
According to Anatoly, he suffered a lot of fear. But what struck me more was the reaction of the Spanish Coast Guard. Who just didn't show up for the distress call because of a siesta. Fortunately, after 15 minutes of training, the killer whales retreated. And the moderately damaged ship moored at the nearest port.