In Uzbekistan, girls dancing in swimsuits were sent to take HIV tests

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
26 June 2023

Because a healthy girl can't dance like that!

On June 16, a new water park "Babylon" was opened in Samarkand. Its owner arranged what seemed to be a standard grand opening for such occasions with blackjack and dancing. But after the video spread to local publics, the vice police decided to punish both the organizer and the girls who staged "seductive games in a semi-naked state." For some reason, they were sent to be checked for venereal diseases, and the owner of the pool will now be dragged through the courts for violating the rules for holding mass events.

Performers of indecent dances were examined for skin and venereological diseases, blood tests were taken from them to check for the presence of AIDS and HIV, explanatory work was carried out with them

This is what dirty dancing looks like.

Citizen D. Nasimov grossly violated the rules for holding mass events and organized a mass event with the participation of about 2,000 people. It was established that at the event a group of dancers ignored the rules of behavior in society, performing indecent dances in a half-naked form.

It is reported that the case of businessman Nasimov was transferred to the criminal court by the police. There, as reported, they will legally decide what punishment the organizer of an indecent event will suffer. And the pool was nice!

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