“I really love him!”: A young girl married a 75-year-old billionaire (7 photos)

23 June 2023

They say that all ages are submissive to love. However, it is difficult believe in sincere feelings when the chosen one is of advanced age.

Koh Ngan is a model from Vietnam. The girl is 29 years old. She went out married a 75-year-old businessman from Los Angeles - Wynn Katz.

Their story began after Ko Ngan contacted Winn, owner and designer of the Rough Roses brand. The girl wanted sign a contract and become a brand model, but they started not a working relationship.

The novel began to spin, it was full of not only romance, but also constant quarrels. The couple then converged, then diverged. But in the end Ko and Wynn got married.

The girl believes that Wynn is her soul mate.

Social media does not believe this story. Users sharply speak negatively about the model, suggesting that she only needs money. Under the photo with her husband, people write: "Oh, what a cute grandfather you have."

And although the girl, even before meeting Wynn, was satisfied with the success and famous, could afford a luxurious life, her husband's billions give rest to commentators.

Do you believe in love in such couples?

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