10 countries with the largest oil reserves (11 photos)

23 June 2023

A selection of countries that have the largest oil reserves. The quantity is measured in barrels (1 bbl = 159 liters).

Although this mineral resource is the most widespread, reserves are gradually depleted. By the way, under stock imply only oil that can be extracted using modern technologies. Exploration of new deposits is ongoing, and each country strives to become energetically independent. While only those have a chance states on whose territory there are deposits with useful fossils.

10. Nigeria

Oil is found in most African countries. Nigeria long time was one of the largest oil-producing states.

In 2022, the reserves were estimated at 37 billion bbl. That's just rich deposits are no guarantee of success. If before 2019 the average daily production rate was at least 2 million bbl, now the situation has changed a lot. In the summer of 2022, this figure dropped to the level the minimum observed in 1985 is less than 850 thousand bbl.

The main reasons for this situation are not only typical problems (volume of investment, failures in logistics, etc.), but also safety. There are regular armed attacks on oil and gas facilities.

9. Libya

Libya has large reserves of black gold, but due to instability of the political situation, oil production is experiencing serious difficulties. If in 2021 the averages were 1.2 million bbl per day, then in 2022 the figure reached critical values - 100–200 bbl. Oil production was regularly suspended, so The country has lost billions of dollars.

If we talk about stocks, the estimated amount is not exceeds 48 billion bbl, and this is provided that most of the region remains unknown. The current political situation getting better. In a favorable scenario, in the coming years, the country will be able to increase production to 2 million bbl per day.

8. USA

The country has impressive reserves of oil and gas. By according to the latest data, they amount to 52 billion bbl, but this figure is constantly is changing.

Surprising fact: the United States does not occupy a leading position in mineral reserves, but the country is in first place in terms of production oil. At the moment, work is underway in 32 states and coastal waters.

The United States is also the largest exporter and importer of oil.

7. Russia

For 2023, the reserves are 107.8 billion bbl. The estimated amount produced in the country per day is 10.59 million bbl.

6. UAE

Oil trading is an important branch of the UAE economy. Stocks amount to more than 100 billion bbl. The main deposits are located in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. About 3.7 million bbl are mined per day.

In 2022, three new deposits were explored. According to experts estimate that the increase amounted to more than 650 million bbl.

5. Kuwait

The country is small but rich. 95% of exports are oil. Reserves - 101.5 billion bbl. The largest group of deposits of black gold - Big Burgan. 75% of all proven oil reserves are concentrated there. country's reserves.

About 2.7 million bbl are mined per day. In 2021 the value was lower, but gradually increased. By 2040, it is planned to increase it to 4.75 million bbl per day.

In the spring of 2023, the Kuwaiti authorities supported the decision of OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) on voluntary production cuts, to stabilize the market. The adjustment reduced the figures by 128 thousand bbl per day.

Kuwait is currently jointly with Saudi Arabia develops a new field, which is located on a neutral territory between countries.

4. Iraq

It is one of the leading oil states in the world. Proven reserves amount to 145 billion bbl, but this figure is very conditional. Deep deposits located mainly in the Western Desert are still plainly not explored. The reason is the perennialyny and economic sanctions. By forecasts, this number could exceed 100 billion bbl.

Iraq is now using outdated methods of oil extraction, and technical solutions raise many questions. There is information that the use of such technologies can destroy all natural resources.

In 2022, 5 million bbl were mined daily in Iraq. By 2027, it is planned to increase this figure to 7 million.

3. Iran

The state has impressive oil reserves (157.3 billion bbl). Despite this, the authorities are trying to reduce economic dependence from oil, but so far it is not working out well. Oil export is the main source of foreign exchange earnings.

The country has been under sanctions for a long time. Iran was forced to sell oil at a low price. The situation has also worsened tense relations with Iraq.

Now the average daily production rate is 3.2 bbl. At the National Iranian oil company has an investment plan. If all it turns out, in 2029 this figure will reach 5.7 million bbl per day.

2. Saudi Arabia

Until 2011, Saudi Arabia was the leader in reserves oil until it was surpassed by Venezuela. Now she gets an honorary second place (297.5 billion bbl). This is one fifth of all world reserves. There are 100 oil fields in the country, of which eight are the largest. 60% of minerals are mined in Gavar.

The daily average is 10 million bbl. crown prince Mohammed bin Salman confirmed that everything possible is being done in the country, to increase the figure by 3 million bbl.

However, official information is questionable. experts. Foreign experts are not allowed to documents, concerning oil reserves, and no one can confirm them authenticity.

1. Venezuela

Venezuela has huge oil reserves. 303.8 billion bbl - 17.5% from world reserves. That's just the economy of the state does not cause envy from other countries. Due to political unrest and US sanctions development of oil fields is unstable.

Venezuela has five major oil fields, but it requires additional purification. To Work with such raw materials are difficult and expensive. At the moment, things are going very well in the country. Badly. Shortage of gasoline, medicines and essential products in Venezuela no longer surprises anyone.

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