Teacher knocked down a student on an electric scooter

15 June 2023

On June 2, in the city of Gornyak, Altai Territory, a 76-year-old teacher in a car allowed an 11-year-old student on an electric scooter to run over while trying to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. It is noted that the child violated the rules of the road, as he had to cross the roadway on foot.

According to eyewitnesses, the woman was extremely confused. She got out of the car, inspected the scene and allegedly was going to leave, but witnesses of the accident stopped her. Ambulances were called to the scene, and the boy was promptly hospitalized in the Central District Hospital of the Loktevsky District. According to KP-Barnaul, no serious injuries were found in him - only a concussion and bruises. But hospital staff continue to monitor his health.

“The teacher insisted: if the boy is found to have injuries that require expensive treatment, she will be ready to pay for everything and bear responsibility. Therefore, the boy’s mother wrote somewhere on social networks so that people would not be so cruel and strict towards the teacher,” the resident noted Miner.

Impressive is better not to look!

1 comment
Гость Vit
Гость Vit
18 June 2023
Или действительно растерялась, или решила отомстить всем малолетним школотронам) Удивительно что пацан так легко отделался. Училке пора на пересдачу вождения, пора вспомнить где педаль тормоза находится
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