Forever young: the man looks 20 years old, but in fact he is already a grandfather (7 photos)

12 June 2023

Looking younger than your age is the dream of many. Singaporean Chuando Tang succeeded. The secret of his eternal youth is quite simple.

Chuando Tang became popular online when users found out how old is he really. The photo of the man was distributed with the insane speed - and now Chuando became an Internet star. He has over 1 million subscribers.

He recently turned 57 years old. By all accounts, he looks to be at least 25.

But this phenomenon also has its downsides. Singaporean complains that he is constantly trying to ferret out the secret of youth, and complains about constant pressure of public opinion: while everyone around repeats that he's young and he's getting old anyway, and that makes him worry.

Chuando Tan was a model in the 80s and 90s, he sang in a band, but over time became a famous photographer. He keeps shooting for covers but he also loves his job.

What is the secret of youth in the end? First, in genetics. A he also has his own routine: he works out 3-4 times a week in gym, do not eat 5-6 hours before bedtime and go to bed until 23:00. He tried botox but didn't like the effect so he uses only face wash and face cream.

Many do not believe that he did not resort to the help of plastic surgeons.

Tan's diet is also quite simple: chicken with rice, vegetables on grill and fish soup. Despite his weakness for ice cream, he eats it. infrequently and strictly in the morning. Tan only drinks water, coffee and tea. he is banned.

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