25 curious facts about a variety of things (26 photos)

Category: Facts, PEGI 0+
5 June 2023

The r/interesting online community is the place where a huge variety of information, interesting facts, photos and stories about everything in the world. Curiosity no one canceled.

106-Year-Old Filipina Becomes Vogue's Oldest Cover Model

2. This sundial shows the time digitally

3. Church stained glass greenhouse

4. Tibetan snow-white yak - the yak of the rarest color in the world. IN China and Tibet, their number is about 3% of the total population

5. Bloody sunsets happen in Australia

6 British Coins Form A Shield When Placed In A Certain Order

7. Among alligators there are melanists and albinos

8. This bonsai tree was planted in 1625 and has survived atomic explosion in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, although at that time there was just 3 km away

Source 9 Canadian miners accidentally discovered a 110-million-year-old dinosaur fossil in very good condition.

10. Snow leopard in its natural habitat in the Spiti Valley, India - the perfect camouflage

11. There is a tiny muscle in the forearms that contracts. only when the little finger is raised. Moses (sculpture by Michelangelo) raises little finger, so this muscle contracts. Incredible attention to detail!

11. BIC hasn't changed the design of its famous ballpoint pen since 1955. Why fix what works?

13. Thousands of years ago, the Eskimos of Alaska and Northern Canada carved narrow slits in ivory, horns and wood to create the world's first goggles to prevent snow blindness

14. This is what a US topographic map looks like

15. Young woman (about 20 years old) and her newborn child, buried 7000-6000 years ago, Vedbek, Denmark

Next to the woman's head were 200 red deer teeth, and the body of the child rested on the wing of a swan, in the thigh area was flint knife. Archaeologists believe that the mother and child died immediately after childbirth.

16. Tunnel for megatheriums. These tunnels were dug by a giant a ground sloth that lived 10,000 years ago in Brazil

17. This is the heart of a blue whale that weighs over 180 kg. Blue the whale is the largest modern animal and probably the heaviest of all the animals that have ever lived on earth

18. What did the pyramid of Khafre look like 4500 years ago? pyramids Giza was originally covered in highly polished white limestone, and the capstones (pyramidions) on top were covered with gold

19. Alexander the Great, 330 BC, facial reconstruction from his marble bust

20. This is what penguin feathers look like

21. "I see you made 3 spelling mistakes." Latest the words of the Marquis de Favre after the death sentence was read to him before by hanging (1790)

22. Alpine refuge from the First World War, located at an altitude of 2760 meters, Monte Cristallo, Italy

23. This is what an invasion of spiders looks like on a field in England

24. In 1719, in Paris, they came up with the idea of releasing prisoners under provided that they marry a prostitute and go to North American colony of Louisiana

They were put into the holds with their wives in shackles and sent to the New Light, where they had to settle down and pay taxes to the French treasury. However, things didn't turn out as rosy as expected. the colony was already overcrowded, there was not enough land and the locals were dissatisfied with such guests.

25. This is what a 1939 caterpillar motorcycle looked like

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