russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for May 30-31

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
1 June 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

So that's what's going on there

- Zelensky wants to open a plant for the manufacturer of Challenger tanks and M777 howitzers in Ukraine

The President of Ukraine had a conversation with representatives of the British defense company BAE Systems, which manufactures Challenger tanks and M777 howitzers.

«We discussed the localization of production in Ukraine. We agreed to start work on opening a BAE Systems office in Ukraine, and subsequently, facilities for the repair and production of the company's products," Zelensky said.

Also, the President of Ukraine today held the first telephone conversation in the history of diplomatic relations with the President of Cape Verde, Jose Maria Neves. We discussed the Ukrainian formula for peace and issues of global food security.

- Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the President of Ukraine Zelensky:

Ukraine has no "direct relationship" to drone attacks on Moscow, but enjoys watching drone attacks on Moscow and predicts that the number of such attacks will increase.

- Minister of Defense of Russia Shoigu:

In a month, Russian troops intercepted 29 Storm Shadow missiles.

In Kyiv, we destroyed another Patriot.

Ukraine has lost more than 16,000 servicemen, 16 aircraft and more than 400 tanks and other armored vehicles over the past month.

Well, they probably forgot about the Hymars... but they already decided not to add it for the sake of being crooked.

- Destroyed Russian command vehicle 55K6E ZRK S-400.

The system was destroyed by a Ukrainian HIMARS strike during an attack on one of the warehouses in Kherson on May 20, 2023.

- Senator Lindsey Graham:

Ukraine's counteroffensive plan is impressive.

In the coming days, you will see a rather impressive show of strength by the Ukrainians.

- Medvedev:

Any British official can be considered a legitimate target because the UK is de facto at war with Russia.

- The SBU banned owners of webcams from broadcasting houses, roads, utilities and industrial enterprises, etc.

Reason — Russia uses this to correct massive shelling.

- Dmitry Rogozin called for blocking GPS throughout Russia due to drone raids.

As an alternative, he proposed to navigate by paper maps. The USSR in Russia is getting closer and closer.

- Because of the jokes of Ukrainians about helping Ani Lorak to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, all concerts in Russia were canceled for her

"That's nice."

- In South Korea and Japan, an air raid alert, the DPRK launched a "space launch vehicle", which is the first military spy satellite.

The emergency alert service of the South Korean capital Seoul said that the residents of the city should be prepared to evacuate if the appropriate order comes.

- The US senator commented on the upcoming counter-offensive of Ukraine, which Zelensky informed him about.

He also stated ( that in the coming days we will see the impressive and strong power of the Ukrainians.

- The main problem of the counteroffensiveI APU is the lack of fighters, — Welt.

At present, the Russian Federation surpasses Ukraine in the number of aircraft by 5-6 times, they also surpass in technologies — their radar sees farther, and missiles have a much longer range. The fighters were late for the summer offensive, so the battle in the sky — weakness. The publication writes ( that because of this, Ukraine will have to de-occupy territories with the help of artillery, heavy weapons and the blood of our soldiers.

Earlier, Zelensky said that the lack of modern fighters will not affect counteroffensives.

- The work of air defense was leaked to the network: the SBU reported the suspicion to bloggers.

In particular, we are talking about Chernetskaya (the ex-wife of a well-known drug dealer and part-time singer), as well as Daria Semenchenko and Olga Didovets. For draining the work of air defense during the shelling of Kyiv on May 16, they are facing up to 8 years.

- The world's first gay president: The Latvian Parliament elected Foreign Minister Rinkevics as the country's president.

The former head ( of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came out through social networks in 2014 .

- The President of Poland warned against hasty statements about the loss of the Russian Federation.

"Now we have a situation (,69268) when the Russian the skating rink crushes Ukraine, hundreds of people die at the front every day, while there are more than 100 million Russians, and less than 40 million Ukrainians", — Duda said.

- A war between Russia and NATO is possible, — head of the Czech General Staff.

"War between Russia and NATO — the worst ( scenario is not impossible for us — "But it is possible. The army is trying to prepare for a high-intensity conflict with a technologically advanced enemy, that is, the Russian Federation. Russia today is on the trajectory of a conflict with NATO", — Rzehka said.

- Andrey Loshak: Putin — world leader of assholes

What happened?

- Cartoon in the British newspaper The Times

- They voted…

- Kuraev, let me remind you, last week, Patriarch Kirill finally defrocked and banned him from serving

- Vice-Speaker of the State Duma, United Russia party Pyotr Tolstoy apologized for his daughter's trip to the United States for an internship, as well as for the fact that he himself studied abroad.

- His children are in Milan, in decaying Europe, he takes care of his children

- Igor Paskar, who threw a Molotov cocktail at the building of the Krasnodar FSB, was sentenced to 8.5 years in prison. ASTRA.

He was found guilty of terrorist act and vandalism motivated by political hatred. Pascar will spend the first three years in prison, and the remaining — in a strict regime colony.

“In the previous meeting, Your Honor, you asked if I was repentant? I understand that the severity of punishment may depend on the degree of repentance. But I will be dishonest if I say that I have renounced my convictions,” the defendant said in his last word.

In June 2022, activist broforces a Molotov cocktail into a banner with the inscription "Z do not leave our own" and to the building of the Federal Security Service for the Krasnodar Territory. After that, he was detained. Pascari claimed to have been tortured by the security forces.

- The Russian Finn talks about the Soviet-Finnish war, comparing it with the current one and why fighting on the side of the attacker is certain death. Free Buryatia Foundation

- December 1991, Ukraine sends sausage and sugar to Russia. Having eaten, the former empire thanked Ukraine with a war.

- But such a regular bus can be seen in Israel.

- Why did it break?

- Legionnaires of Caesar...

- As if I'm an Egyptian...

- That's all fell into place

- Residents of Rublyovka after the shelling of the UAV

- In Kyiv, three people, including a nine-year-old girl, were killed as a result of a night strike

On the night of June 1, Russian troops attacked Kyiv. The city military administration published a photo of the consequences of the shelling in the Desnyansky and Dneprovsky districts.

Three people, including a child, died in the Desnyansky district. Ten people were injured, including a child. Two people were injured in the Dnipro region. The National Police of Ukraine clarified that those who died in Kyiv — women aged 34 and 33 and a 9-year-old girl.

Apartment buildings, a kindergarten and a medical facility were damaged. Police and other emergency services are on the scene.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in its morning report stated that Kyiv was fired with Iskander missiles. The report says that all 10 Iskander-M missiles fired and "Iskander-K" were knocked down. “Unfortunately, as a result of the anti-aircraft battle, there are dead and wounded, among them — children», — said the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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