Dark-skinned beauty from the comedy "Signor Robinson" (11 photos)

31 May 2023

I am telling you how the fate of “Friday” turned out, how it looks years later.

In the late 1970s, another famous comedy starring Paulo Villagio himself. "Signor Robinson", which was then watched by fifty million viewers Soviet cinemas.

A funny tape told about the adventures of a clumsy Italian millionaire who, by the will of fate, became the new Robinson on uninhabited island. And of course, each Robinson must (or should?) have its own Friday...

In Paulo, this role was played by a charming dark-skinned a young lady named Zeudi Araya. About her and will go my today's story. Next, I talk in detail about Zeudi.

Our heroine was born in African Eritrea in 1951, shortly after the country ceased to be an Italian colony. Her name, translated from the local language Tigrinya, means "royal crown".

Thanks to his uncle, a diplomat who served as ambassador to Italy, Zeudi received a prestigious education. And in 1969 she even became "Miss Eritrea".

And yes, Zeudi is not at all a mulatto, as they mistakenly think. She belongs to the Ethiopian race, different from the same blacks, for example, thinner facial features.

However, Zeudi connected her future with the former metropolis. In the 1970s, Zeudi traveled to Italy, where, thanks to exotic appearance quickly became a star of the screens.

In small and poor Ethiopia, that time was not the opportunity to become the movie star I dreamed of,” Zeudi recalled. - That's why I went to Italy. Especially since she knew Italian. Great. I have relatives in Rome.

In the Apennines, the beautiful Zeudi began acting in commercials and films. For example, she appeared in the film "Girl on an SUV", where there were many juicy moments.

And then our heroine was invited to the role of Friday in Signor Robinson.

In the films where I starred then, there was a lot of pretty that time, explicit scenes, - Zeudi herself admitted in an interview. - My relatives condemned me at home for them.

Without exception, all the Robinsons of the world dreamed of such a Friday

Interestingly, at the box office in the USSR, all obscene scenes from "Signora Robinson" was cut out by the unsleeping censorship. Because of what in the plot noticeable holes. Our people then composed for a long time in every way, why such a depraved one was removed by the censors. But when the movie is in the full version shown on TV already in the 1990s, many of the first viewers were pretty disappointed.

After "Signora" Zeudi continued her film career. For example, starred in the films "Neapolitan Detective" with Marcello Mastroianni himself and irresistible Ornella Muti.

Zeudi's personal life has also developed - the actress became his wife Italian producer Franco Cristaldi, although her senior is good thirty years. Franco, alas, left our world forever, in the early 1990s years. Leaving his wife a widow at just forty years old.

Zeudi with her first husband

Today, Zeudi no longer acts in films. Came out happily second time married to director Massimo Spano. At the age of forty four years gave birth to a son named Michelangelo.

Now Zeudi is already over seventy. But "Friday" is still full of strength and energy, everything is also beautiful! Lives in Italy. :)

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