The dog graduated from the university with the owner and received her own diploma (3 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
31 May 2023

In the USA, a service dog received a university degree along with by her mistress. Man's four-legged friend accompanied the girl to classes, obediently sat next to the classroom and was present at the exams.

Service dogs accompany their owners everywhere, and Labrador Retriever named Justin is no exception. When its owner Grace Mariani entered Seton Hall University (New Jersey, USA), to receive a pedagogical education, he went with her.

Grace cannot walk on her own and uses a wheelchair. stroller, so throughout the entire training period, a faithful dog was next to her at all lectures and practical exercises. Recently Grace received a bachelor's degree, and, of course, to the graduation ceremony she went along with her faithful tailed assistant.

The management of Seton Hall decided that Justin, who visited all classes with the hostess, earned his own diploma, which he joyfully presented by college president Joseph E. Nair. The dog took the stage along with Grace and carefully sniffed his diploma before taking it to teeth, happily wag his tail and leave under a flurry of applause.

This year, Grace and Justin will be going to elementary school to educate the kids.

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