In Spain, a woman almost drowned her child while trying to cross the street

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
29 May 2023

While Spain is slowly but surely sinking under heavy rains, the inhabitants do not lose heart and try to lead a normal life, sometimes at the risk of their loved ones.

The south-east of Spain was covered by a powerful cyclone, which brought prolonged heavy rains to the country. The showers have not stopped for a week now and, according to weather forecasters, will not end until next Sunday. Meanwhile, the water has already flooded the airport in Madrid, the streets of almost all cities have turned into full-flowing rivers, along which a few brave motorists try to drive with great difficulty.

But even the raging bad weather did not become an obstacle in the way of the Spanish mother, who decided to cross the street with a child in a stroller. A strong current, literally after a few steps, practically tore the stroller out of the hands of a woman, and passers-by who were nearby saved the boy sitting in it. But that didn't stop the mother. Putting the baby in the stroller, she tried to cross the street a second time.

Apparently, the concept of yazhmat has long since become international. Well, we can only wish good luck to the kid with such a "caring" mother.

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